Saturday 25 April 2020

187 undertale - goodbye waterfall

Dear Readers,

It was dead silent after I killed Undyne, but the running of water soon started again in Waterfall. I walked on.

The mountain where Undyne challenged me in the pacifist run looked so bare now. Now it was all lifeless.

Even the path to Hotland where Undyne chased me that time was dead silent. Even the marquee welcoming visitors to Hotland wasn't working properly. It was stuck on "WELCOME T". And of course, no Papyrus to interrupt the chase because he's dead too. :(

When I entered Hotland, it was deserted, apart from the water cooler. The save point said "40 left" in red font. Lots of monsters to kill this time...

Above the save point was a force field, meaning I had to go through the lab to progress.

I decided to backtrack though. The riverman was there to the south, so I went back to Snowdin. I trudged through the lonely area, all the way back to get another snowman piece. He didn't seem to be too happy about me taking another one.

Then I went to Waterfall. I knocked on Undyne's door, which said no one was home, "and you get the feeling no one ever will be." Yikes!

I went back to Hotland and into the Lab.

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