Thursday 23 April 2020

185 undertale - trying to fight undyne the undying without dying

Dear Readers,

I stood face to face with Undyne the Undying. The light that filled her body shone out through her bare eye socket. She wasn't gonna let me kill anybody else without a fight.
My soul turned green, which meant I had the shield. I checked her and it seemed that it was pure determination that made her take on this undying form. The text called her the heroine.

Her attacks came fast and hard and I died quickly enough. I died several times! I had to practise and do lots of avoiding. The arrows that became red I thought were the next to hit me but then some of them became like fake outs and threw me off!

Each time I died I had to relive that scene on the bridge with Monster Kid. To get things over with I had to tell them to look the other way, making the battle start faster.

I reached her attack of a stream of arrows that flowed down then one to the side then another stream of arrows that fell down followed by another to the side and so on. Had to suss that one.

Then the yellow arrows that jump to the opposite side started showing up. Yikes!

I had to map out the attacks to suss this battle at all...

The first attack started with slow arrows, then got quicker with arrows in multiple directions. Just had to be ready for the quicker ones.

Next was fast arrows from the left and right. Just had to be quick with the opposite ends of the D-Pad on that one.

Next one really throws me off. All slow arrows but lots of them. The ones that glow red were the next to make an impact. Had to be ready to switch directions for the red ones.

Next were the spears from multiple directions I had to avoid while red. Analogue stick time for that and lots of dodging and weaving.

Next were the three spears from below while red. Just had to keep an eye on what was coming and what wasn't and dodge accordingly. Surprisingly tricky and easy to trip up here.

Green again next. This was where the red arrows betrayed me. Fast from the left and right but slow from above and below. Just had to be ready for them all!

Next was the raining of arrows, then one from the side, followed by another rain of arrows, followed by one from the opposite side. Have to be ready to point the shield in every direction they were coming from.

Next were the yellow opposite arrows. Hard to get used to and hard to even reach this point! The ordinary arrows came from above and left. Then, the yellows come from the same directions but I had to turn the shield right and down to block them.

Red again. Spears came from all directions at once closing in on me so I had to slip past them when they stopped spinning as well. Two turns of that before going green again.

I had to take a long break after all this... and I still didn't have all the patterns down.

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