Tuesday 26 May 2020

12 donut county - shutting down chef's roach invested restaurant

Dear Readers,

A cat named Chef spoke up next, saying nobody asked about them. Mira asked them if I owned them with a Catapult too. They said no. I went mhm and then they said I ruined their restaurant!

Salt said their restaurant stinks! Pepper agreed, saying it was grade D. Chef asked them how they could be named Salt and Pepper and not have an appreciation for soup?

Mira said calm down, nerds! She asked Chef what I did to their restaurant. They said they were dealing with a slight bug problem and was exhausted rounding up bugs, so they ordered a doughnut...

The scene shifted to Chef's Cat Soup restaurant. It was shaped like a pot and had various garden furniture outside. It was in a built up area with tall buildings and a road nearby. It was a nice sunshiny day. The music that played had a groovy bass line and a lovely chime. It also had a nice noisy urban tune. I deployed the hole.

Chef was sitting on an upturned square crate with a huge bug underneath. There was another one nearby that was trying to run towards the hole. I swallowed it up among other things like grass and bricks. Some big puddles around here too. Chef spotted the hole right away. I swallowed up the box they were sitting on and gobbled them up too. This was how Chef fell down the hole!

I wasn't finished though! It shifted to the inside kitchen. I pulled the round lever, which made the bucket pour soup into the pot. Then I went over to the pot which poured into the hole. Then I went over to the salt and pepper, which made tons of bugs crawl over to the hole!

After I had enough bugs, I got the drinking bird to lap the soup up. Then it spat it out. I swallowed up all the bugs and filled the hole up with soup again, repeating the process.

It got to a point where I was getting nowhere, so I salted and peppered the soup while avoiding the bugs. Then I got the bird to drink it and the scene shifted to outside. Progress!

Outside, there wasn't a soul in the seating area, apart from all the bugs. I swallowed all the furniture and the bugs.

Then it zoomed out more. I swallowed up the cars, the concrete slabs and the semi-circular houses. Then I swallowed up the restaurant and the music stopped.

I went on to swallow up the remaining house and 2 of the taller buildings.

When all this was done I ranked up to level 10, unlocking the quadcopter! It said to report to Raccoon HQ for training. Woohoo!

In the Trashopedia, BK didn't think much of the Cat Soup restaurant either. He said cockroaches weren't a big deal as he had 100 of them at home. Yikes. Under the condiment cart he said it was free food and you didn't even have to buy anything :) The measuring cup turned food into math, which is cute :) Salt was to be used to make your food taste like the ocean and pepper was to be used if your food tasted too good. Haha :)

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