Sunday 17 May 2020

3 donut county - holing up helen's ranger station

Dear Readers,

I'm pretty certain now that in this game I am BK the Raccoon! After playing out the memory of what I did to Potter's Rock, it was back to the campfire.
Potter said they just wanted to surprise Pup with a doughnut, sniffing sadly. Now, Pup was floating away in a balloon.

Everybody turned to me. I said no he wasn't. I asked Potter if they got swallowed first, how did they know Pup was in the balloon? I said this story was full of holes. Honk honk! 

Mira said my brain was full of holes! And so was the entire town, thanks to me. I said I was just doing my job... before correcting myself and denying it! I insisted I was innocent!

Helen, a bear person, spoke next. She said she saw a hot air balloon float by her Ranger Station. Potter asked which way he was heading and she said she didn't know, as she got distracted. She said she had just ordered a doughnut too! I said nice. She said she gets hungry when she gets anxious. Mira asked what made her anxious and Helen said it was snakes. Helen then told her story and the scene shifted to the Ranger Station level.

It was a part of the desert road that had a lot of wind and rocks. Helen stood on her station with a searchlight. It was a nice dusky sunset evening and it was a bit like a scene from an Activision Atari game. I activated the hole and started swallowing rocks and fauna underneath her searchlight.

I rattled up some rattlesnakes and got them to slither into the hole. Lovely bouncy music started playing. I swallowed up everything in this area and Helen ran over to the other side of her station as I started swallowing up stuff there.

I swallowed up a cage and made a snake tail stick out of the hole. I started knocking the chickens off their perches using the tail. Helen watched me the whole time and started making snake danger alerts on her mobile device. She made the alert go so high that it somehow made the snake alert sign explode into bits!

All that was left was bits of rubble, but her station was still standing. The sad music played again as I swallowed up everything else — rocks, rubble, chickens, and finally, her entire station I swallowed up whole, bringing her down with it.

I got the Great Delivery! screen again and my XP meter increased. I now get what the "Rank 9" and "Rank 10" meant! I was telling Mira through text that I would get a quadcopter if I reached the 10th rank. Now I know what BK's motivation is :)

I checked the Trashopedia. I described the Ranger Station as a "Wood jail for freaks" which is hilarious :) I called the snake "Alive spaghetti"; The Watertower was the thing that exploded when the snake danger sign got too high for some reason. My favourite description here is of the Walkie Talkie that says "Tune in to spy on the government"

I gotta say I'm loving BK and this game a lot already :)

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