Wednesday 6 May 2020

198 undertale - died a few more times to sans, made a tiny bit of progress

Dear Readers,

I was still fighting and struggling with Sans. I got to the point where the text said "The REAL battle finally begins."
He continued talking, saying maybe all the anomaly needed was... maybe some good food, some bad laughs, some nice friends.

After this talking point, more bones waved all around the menu options. It was treacherous!

He then said that was ridiculous, right? He said I was the type of person who wouldn't EVER be happy.

He killed me again after this and I had to start his battle dialogue all over again.

He killed me over and over and over before I could even get close to this point again. I was about to take a break when I got him to continue talking again.

He said I would keep consuming timelines over and over, until, well... and asked me to take it from him: Someday I just gotta learn when to quit.

Then he killed me again. Tiny bit of progress in the dialogue after all that.

After a couple of more deaths where I couldn't even reach the fake peace offering, I had to take another break.

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