Saturday 2 May 2020

194 undertale - scrapping mettaton neo

Dear Readers,

Now that I had killed every one of the monsters I could battle in the Hotland/Core area, I now had to take care of Mettaton.

I reached the room in which I faced him on the other playthrough. He said I finally arrived. He said after our first meeting, he realised something ghastly and that was that I wasn't just a threat to monsters, but to humanity, as well. He said that was an issue, as he couldn't be a star without an audience. There were also some people he wanted to protect.

He said he was first created as a human eradication robot. When he became a star, he was given a more photogenic body. He said those original functions were never fully removed and if I came closer he would be forced to use them.

My character stepped forward, all on their own.

He said fine! and transformed, taking us into battle.

He became Mettaton NEO! His body looked a little different, a little more serious than the other body he had in the other playthrough. He also had an arm cannon and flashing wings. Some rockin' beat played as well.

Despite all the flash, I got his HP all the way down to zero with just one hit.

His wings disappeared, his eyes closed and he started shaking. He said he guessed I didn't wanna join his fan club before exploding, making it a very short battle.

I went back to burger clerk to see if he had anything new to say, now that I killed his boss. He didn't, but it was worth a try.

I continued and took a very long elevator ride.

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