Friday 22 May 2020

8 donut county - morsel's fireworks at the beach

Dear Readers,

Back at the campfire I questioned Pepper on her not saving the Joshua Trees because she was too busy looking at bird videos. I told her that she and her brother had issues, again trying to take the negative attention from myself.

Pepper said she wasn't looking at the videos at that moment and Mira asked what was she doing. She said she was writing an e-mail. I asked if it was to a bird and she said no, calling me a trash sniffer. Ouch... She was writing to her brother, Salt.

Pepper was writing an apology to Salt for smashing his lava lamp... and for eating the lava. He said it was alright as the lava was the best part! Mira and Coco went aw! and I went LOL

I said I reunited feuding brothers, solved a civil servant's snake problems, given a child the gift of flight... so I was a hero! I called out to Morsel, calling him hair guy. I asked him what he did and he said he sold explosives. I said sweet! but then corrected myself, saying that sounded unsafe. I said concerned citizens would probably want his fireworks stand blown up... for safety.

He said he ran his business completely above board and had the most permits in Donut County. He said playing with fireworks was safer than driving a car.

The scene then shifted to a beach scene, Beach Lot C. The tune was a nice chime with a echoey beat. The sounds of the waves were nice too. There was some road, a car park with a stand in it, and a couple of parasols on the beach. I deployed the hole.

I swallowed up the debris and trash in the car park. Morsel could see me from his stand, which dispensed fireworks out the side. When I got close to him, he would shut his stand, which lowered the stick with the flame on it, lighting the fireworks. I then had to swallow the lit fireworks, making the hole heat up before it shot out again. I aimed for the birds and swallowed them up too.

The camera shifted, showing a cliff above the car park, where a bird dude was enjoying a nice picnic. I aimed 3 fireworks at that ledge and broke it off, crashing down into the car park. Poor bird guy looked dead...

I swallowed up all the debris, the bird corpse(?) and the fire and the car, heating up the hole. I finally swallowed up the stand and that was how Morsel fell down the hole!

Before the scene ended, a fire work shot up into the sky. Coco was nearby having a nice sleep. They didn't wake up.

In the Trashopedia there was a book. BK didn't think much of them! Same with seagulls, thinking 99% of them were criminals :) I described fireworks as spicy candles you could use to remove hair and picnic baskets as pretty common types of treasure chests. BK also thought seagulls were French for some reason!

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