Saturday 23 May 2020

9 donut county - wiping out coco's garden

Dear Readers,

Back at the campfire I yelled BOOM! as I declared I was just cleaning up the neighbourhood! I then asked who else had a gripe with me?

Coco answered at last. He then said his gripe was actually with Mira. I teased her that she was in for it now! Coco said Mira knew the details but figured everyone should hear. Mira asked if even the bird weirdos should hear and Coco said yes and that she should tell them.

Mira sighed and said she knew the raccoons were making the holes and knew the whole time. This made everyone gasp.

The scene shifted to Gecko Park, where Coco was snoozing on the lawn. It was a garden in a built up area but quite spacious. It was also quite cluttered. I deployed the hole.

The music here had gentle summery singing and gentle summery music.

Coco was texting with Mira! She asked how many snakes would it take to defeat them? Coco asked if they were venomous and she said normal size, but they had to fight in a tiny room. Coco thought about it and said one thousand snakes before Mira said LOL and that they were to expect a shipment soon!

Coco said she hadn't looked into the disappearances yet, had she? She said no. Coco said Salt hadn't answered his phone in days and asked if she had asked Possum. She said Possum told her the earth was hollow and flat at the same time somehow. Coco said ever since the raccoons moved in, folks had been disappearing and she worked at their doughnut shop!

Mira replied that the raccoons treated her really well and that I was her friend. Coco said they ordered a doughnut and she asked why? They said they wanted to see how they tasted and Mira then said she had to go, saying she'd talk to them soon. Coco went back to sleep.

I started in the flower garden. There were nervous chameleons of varying sizes here and I swallowed them all up.

Then it shifted to a snoozing Coco in front of their house. There was loads of stuff here for me to swallow up like planks of wood, tyres, a tree, more nervous chameleons, a laundry line, the radio, Coco sleeping on their deckchair, and finally, Coco's house. This was how Coco fell down the hole!

Coco didn't wake at all when I stirred them around. They only woke when I swallowed them up.

In the Trashopedia, there was further indication that BK was obsessed with aliens and didn't think much of birds at all. He wondered how Coco fit inside his house, said the oven mitt was something that kept your hands warm (hehe), the drying rack was for punishing clothes for getting wet, the personal fan as something you talk into to sound like an alien, the trash can as something that needed no introduction as it was the gold standard :) , the gecko which I thought were chameleons, the vibraphone as something Coco played everyday to make his neighbours mad, and the doughnut display case as property of Donut County that must be sent back immediately.

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