Wednesday 20 May 2020

6 donut county - nicky and roma's bubbling love hearts

Dear Readers,

At the campfire, Roma asked what a doughnut was without a hole. I said wow, very good question and that we should really stop to ponder this for as long as possible. I was obviously trying to shift the negative attention away from me!

Coco then said a doughnut without a hole was still a doughnut. Mira agreed and listed other types, like jelly doughnuts, long johns and fritters.

I had to look some of these up. I know jam doughnuts, as they're my favourite kind! The long johns look more like eclairs to me or she could be talking about cream doughnuts, which are also very nice. With fritters then we don't really have an alternative, or at least I can't think of any right now.

Coco then mentioned doughnut holes. I said wait, doughnut holes didn't have holes? Coco said they WERE the hole. I said wow, that's pretty deep!

Mira gave out to me again, telling me not to change the subject. She asked Nicky and Roma about how they just moved to Hopper Springs. Nicky said they did when they retired and came to watch the bunnies. Roma said they were bunnies at heart and Nicky said they had been married 40 years.

Mira then asked them if they ordered a doughnut too. Nicky said Roma got a new phone so they ordered doughnuts to celebrate.

The scene shifted to Hopper Springs, at Nicky and Roma's place. It was shaped like a carrot and had lots of animals around. I deployed the hole and got to swallowing!

The music had gentle guitar plucking and a busy noisy beat.

I swallowed up the carrots and stepping stones in the garden.

I swallowed up the big carrot, which got stuck in the hole. I used this to coax the rabbit out of its hole, then I coaxed the other rabbit out of its pen. I swallowed them both when they nibbled the big carrot and the hole started bubbling love hearts! It was so sweet!

After this I gobbled up fencing and rocks, along with 2 more bunnies. More love hearts started bubbling. I got 2 more bunnies again and the hole got even bigger.

Then there was a big earthquake as loads of little bunnies shot out of the hole! The earthquake was so intense it broke up the carrot house! All that was left was for me to swallow up the rubble and that was how Nicky and Roma fell down the hole!

I checked out the new stuff in the Trashopedia. BK didn't think much of bunnies and perceived them to be evil. For the baby bunny it said "Cute, but I will not be fooled." which is amusing. I called the garden shovel a dirt spoon. I called the succulent a thing clearly designed by aliens haha :) I called the old TV an early type of tablet from when it used to be a piece of furniture, which is yet another humorous and charming thing :)

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