Wednesday 13 May 2020

205 undertale - we destroy the world

Dear Readers,

After Asgore and Flowey got murdered, someone who looked almost exactly like me appeared suddenly and looked at me with their smiling rosy-cheeked face.

Their clothes were like mine too, only with different colours. 

"Greetings" they said slowly and soundlessly. They introduced themself as Rocket.

Scary alien EarthBound-like music started playing with a heartbeat thumping.

"Thank you." they said, telling me my power awakened them from death.

They said their "human soul", their "determination" was not theirs but MINE. At first, they were so confused, saying their plan had failed, hadn't it? They asked why were they brought back to life? Then they said it was me.

They said it was with my guidance they realised the purpose of their reincarnation: Power. They said together, we eradicated the enemy and became strong.

They listed out the terms HP. ATK. DEF. GOLD. EXP. LV., saying every time a number increased, that feeling was them, "Rocket."

Then they said now, we had reached the absolute and there was nothing left for us here. They said let's erase this pointless world, and move on to the next.

They gave me two options: ERASE and DO NOT. I chose ERASE.

The scary music stopped. They said I was a great partner and that we'd be together forever, won't we?

Just then a big red slash went through the middle of the screen and it all filled up with 9s!

Then the screen went black. For ages. The sound of wind and waves popped up.

After a long while, the Nintendo Switch turned itself into sleep mode!

After another while, Rocket said "Interesting."

They said I wanted to go back to the world I destroyed. They said it was me who pushed everything to its edge and led the world to its destruction. They said I couldn't accept it. They said I thought I was above consequences.

Then they gave me the choice between Yes and No.  I said Yes and they said exactly.

Then they said perhaps we could reach a compromise. They said I still had something they wanted and told me to give it to them and they would bring this world back. I didn't know what it was but I had the choice between Yes and No again. I said Yes.

Then they said it was agreed... I would give them my soul. The Yes and No choice came up again. I chose Yes.

Then they said it was done.

The screen glowed white before the prologue started playing again. The game started as if nothing happened. They brought the world back to life.

So that's the genocide ending. The world got destroyed which literally means the game was destroyed, only with the option to bring it back in exchange for my soul.

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