Sunday 10 May 2020

202 undertale - surviving sans attack-before-his-special-attack

Dear Readers,

Still fighting Sans. I managed to get more dialogue! Progress!

I got here by pretty much not having to use healing items at all until the fake friendship offer. Then I used the smaller healing items, then the snowman piece when I needed that, then the pie when I needed that.

Sans finally said well, here goes nothing. He asked if I was ready with a wink. Then his eyes went completely black again as he said survive THIS, and he would show me his special attack.

He unleashed that unholy barrage of attacks including that Battletoads turbo-tunnel-like obstacle. I got killed at the rotating lasers part.

Still! Progress!

I also gotta say this attack before the special attack was pretty cool. He made me fall sideways through a long bony corridor along with that turbo-tunnel obstacle thing. All the while he himself was scrolling from right to left and coming back in from the right, doing different poses. Very nice and cool to look at.

I got killed a few more times working up to this point until I survived the rotating lasers around the clock part.

When I survived that he just flung me at the four walls of the box non-stop as if he was absolutely desperate. Then he slowed down and stopped, out of breath...

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