Monday 4 May 2020

196 undertale - sans kills me many many times

Dear Readers,

I entered the Last Corridor where I met Sans for the first time in a while... He greeted me with his usual big smile and a heya...

He said I had been busy, huh? He said he had a question for me.
He asked me if I thought even the worst person could change? That everybody can be a good person, if they just tried?

I didn't answer. My character just took a step forward by themself. Sans laughed. Then he said here was a better question: Did I wanna have a bad time? His eyes were completely black when he said this.

He said 'cause if I took another step forward, I was REALLY not going to like what would happen next.

My character defiantly took another step.

Sans said welp. Then he said sorry, old lady, this was why he never made promises. He had Toriel on his mind obviously.

At that moment, he took me into the battle screen. He said it was a beautiful day outside. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming...

There were indeed birds singing! I could hear blackbirds and robins :)

Sans said on days like these, kids like me... should be burning in hell. The singing stopped and his eyes were completely black again.

He immediately launched a savage attack on me, killing me very quickly.

I got back into it and he said I looked frustrated, so that must've meant he was good at his job, before taking me into battle again. He killed me again. I got back into it again.

This time he told me I had the expression of someone who had died twice in a row and I looked really unsatisfied.

I survived his attacks this time. Then he said he always wondered why people never used their strongest attack first.

The battle started and I had a chance to attack. His boss music started playing and it was the famous Megalovania track!

The text said I felt like I was going to have a bad time. I checked him and it said he had just 1 point in his stats and could only deal 1 damage. Sorta unreliable there...

He killed me again. He would comment on my expression again except saying "thrice" in a row this time. This would go up every time he killed me. He cut his birds are singing speech short as well, attacking early and killing me immediately again!

When I tried again and after his attack, he said as he was saying, it was a nice day out with a wink. He said why not relax and take a load off? Then he killed me again.

I got back to him and this time I tried an attack. He dodged it, saying did I think he was just gonna stand there and take it?

I died many more times before I got another chance to make the second attack. My soul turns dark blue and I have to jump in this one.

I felt my sins crawling on my back. I attacked again but missed again. Sans said their reports showed a massive anomaly in the timespace continuum. That timelines jumping left and right, stopping and starting...

I died more times. Eventually he just said let's just get to the point and the text in the box said to just keep attacking. Sans then said, continuing from the last point "...until suddenly, everything ends."

Then he said with a laugh that it was my fault, wasn't it?

After the next attack, it said his movements were growing a little wearier. He said I couldn't understand how this felt.

After dying many more times this was about as far as I could get. I'll have to continue next time.

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