Monday 11 May 2020

203 undertale - slaughtering sans

Dear Readers,

I reached a point where Sans suddenly stopped attacking me and he just stood, sweating and breathing.

He said all right, that's it. It was time for his special attack!

With a wink he asked if I was ready. Then he said here goes nothing...

He closed his eyes for a while.

Then he said yep, that's right, it's literally nothing.

Then he said it wasn't gonna be anything either with a laugh. He said he knew he couldn't beat me and on one of my turns, I was just gonna kill him.

So he decided it wasn't gonna be my turn. Ever. He was just gonna keep having his turn until I gave up, even if it meant we had to stand here until the end of time.

He stood, staring at me. Then he said I'd get bored here, if I hadn't gotten bored already. He said I'd get bored until I finally quit.

He stared at me some more. Then he said he knew my type, the very determined type. He said I'd never give up, even if there was absolutely no benefit to persevering whatsoever. If he could make that clear, that meant no matter what, I would just keep going. And not out of any desire for good or evil, but just because I think I can. And also because I "can", I "had to."

He stared some more. Then he said I had reached the end and there was nothing left for me now, so IHPO, the most "determined" thing I could do here was to completely give up and do literally anything else. He yawned.

He stared some more... though his eyes gradually became heavier... then he went ZZZ as he fell sound asleep.

I was able to move in the box throughout this whole conversation, though when I hit the left wall his eye would flash and I would reset in a position away from the wall.

When he fell asleep though, I was able to move the box to the left by pushing it. Then, when I could push it no further, I was able to push it down.

Down until I was able to highlight the FIGHT option. I chose it for an attack and suddenly Sans woke up and dodged it like always. He said did I really think... and then, all of a sudden, another attack came from nowhere and struck him down on the ground. Red stuff was on his mouth and front.

Sans opened his eyes and looked down at himself. He said so, guess that's it, huh. He was still grinning. He said just don't say he didn't warn me.

Sans stood up. He said welp, he's going to grillby's with a shrug and a wink and his usual grin, only now he had red stains on his chin, front and on his hand. He moved slowly to the left until he was offscreen. Then he said "Papyrus, do you want anything?" before the sound of him evaporating into dust happened.

I found myself back in the corridor. It was dead silent. I walked on and saved my game.

I did it. I finally killed Sans. How many posts did it take? He had a lot of patterns to memorise and he was very tough.

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