Tuesday 19 May 2020

5 donut county - dumping coyote's stinky vegetable stand

Dear Readers,

Near the campfire, someone named Coyote stuck their head out and said we were all hopeless now! This startled everyone at the campfire, including Coco, who said they thought Coyote moved away to the desert.

Coyote said they did and that I must've been targeting folks who were down on their luck.

Mira said Coyote was the original owner of the Donut County doughnut shop right? Coyote said they were, but it went out of business when the Raccoons moved into town. They sold the Raccoons the shop and moved out to the desert.

Mira said she was sorry and Coyote said it couldn't be helped, as a coyote's life was like a sad country tune. They made a modest living selling vegetables and thought of it as their way of giving back to folks.

Aw that's sad... What did the Raccoons do to the Donut County business before it was sold to them?

The scene shifted to Coyote's Campground. It was out in the desert and the sky was pinkish. There was some kind of a wheel stand with corn on it, a campfire and two tents. One of them had Coyote's head sticking out of it. There was also a big billboard sign here with the display out of view. I deployed the hole.

I started swallowing stuff up around the campfire and another Coyote stuck their head out the other tent, looking at the hole. I swallowed up the boxes supporting the corn stand and swallowed up the corn as well. 

I then swallowed up the campfire, making giant pieces of popcorn shoot out of the hole. Birds then few down to get the popcorn and I swallowed them up too. By then the coyote went back into their tent and I swallowed that up too.

The music here had a scattered beat and some ukulele strumming. It was ok and nice enough.

The scene zoomed out a little with the other coyote looking at me from the remaining tent. I swallowed up the fencing and the rest of the rocks and the tent. I didn't get the billboard though... oh well. This was how Coyote fell, tent and all!

I checked the Trashopedia. I described the tent as a "Fake house that's easy to steal from" and the popcorn as "Corn that was punished" :) hehe. I called the campfire an early type of television, the soup can a small food fortress and that if you made a crow mad it would steal your credit card number. Love these descriptions!

Back at the campfire, when Coyote told their sad story, Mira asked me if I had something to say to Coyote. I said yeah... vegetables stink!!!!

Salt agreed and Mira went LOL before saying ahem and that she meant an apology. I said I was sorry they thought vegetables tasted good? Haha :)

Coyote sighed and said maybe they did stink. They said their sweet tooth was feeling lonesome, and that was why they ordered a doughnut from me.

Ah so that was it... I was wondering...

I turned to Mira and said why should I apologise for delivering that pathetic, vegetable-eating coyote a doughnut?

Man... I'm such a sociopath...

Mira said I wrecked his business. Twice. She also told me to stop saying I delivered doughnuts, asking me what I thought doughnuts were.

Someone named Roma then said who could say? I said exactly. Who could say and that Roma got it.

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