Thursday 28 May 2020

14 donut county - the paranoid prepper possum

Dear Readers,

Mira told me she had to do it. She said there was no other way to get through to me and that I didn't know what it was like to lose something you cared about.

I finally said I guess I get what she meant, that everyone here loved their weird trash houses and I took them away... by doing my job.

Mira looked at me, exasperated.

I said I guess it was an evil job in this context. She said eh... close enough. She then asked me if I would help get everyone out of the hole now. I grumbled but said okay fine, I would. I asked where would we start?

Mira LOLed and said she was hoping I would know, as she sat cross-legged. I said I was sorry if I gave her the impression that I knew stuff, but I knew basically nothing.

Potter then said I had to find Pup. They said if we could find Pup, we could use his hot air balloon to get back to the surface. Mira stood up, more hopeful, asking me if I could look up Pup on my tablet.

I said of course, and spoke into my tablet, asking for GPS data for a hot air balloon containing a "Pup"

The music stopped. 

I then said I was kidding as my tablet didn't have voice commands.

Coco then suggested that Possum might be able to find Pup. Mira disagreed strongly, saying Possum was too weird. Coco said that may be so, but we had to admit he was right about the earth being hollow.

I said if he knew where Possum lived I could... get him. Coco said yeah, just deliver a doughnut to the abandoned house.

Mira lol'd, saying of course Possum squatted in the abandoned house. She always thought it was haunted, but this was worse.

The scene shifted to the Abandoned House, where someone with a creepy smiling face was looking out a creepy uncanny house. It was a gorgeous sunset evening, with lots of noisy bugs. There were lots of structures in the background that looked like they were for power transmission and they looked really cool against the sunset background. There was also a KEEP OUT sign in front of the house. I deployed the hole.

The scene shifted to inside the house. It was dark and quiet, save for three candles. I swallowed as much as I could, including the candles, which made everything dark, save for a sliver of light coming through a door crack. I went over to it and there was a torch! I swallowed it and was now able to shine a light around the room wherever I went.

It was still quiet. No music or sound except for some humming and ticking. I swallowed a few more things and then heard a yelp as someone was revealed for a split second. This was Possum! He made the battery go out in my torch and I had to get another one by the door.

I swallowed a few more things until the ring handle by the door fell to the ground. I pulled on it, which made light come in through the blinds. I swallowed another battery and this big FLASH happened, which was a bit jump scary.

The ceiling light came on, lighting up the room at last. A cat was hanging from it. Some music played for a while. I swallowed up the cat and some furniture along with someone who was lying on it. I assume that was Possum. That creepy face from earlier was a mask he was wearing.

Then it shifted to outside and the music was gone again. I swallowed up everything in the yard and finished with the abandoned house. This was ultimately how Possum fell down the hole!

There was no end of level screen again but I remembered I was able to check the Trashopedia from the pause menu. I looked up BK's descriptions from the Donut Shop level. He said bricks were seeds for a house; a palm tree a piece of wood with a salad on top; the broken quadcopter he was too sad to look at (aww). He also said there were no actual doughnuts at Donut County and advised you should keep your tablet charged so you don't get bored and go outside. Sound advice!

Now for BK's Trashopedia entries for the Abandoned House. The D battery was really rare and the "D" stood for delicious; the bird cage was where birds read the newspaper(haha); the candle was a really bad version of the sun but tasted ok(yuck!); instant noodles were instant because you instantly regret eating it(haha, try cooking them first, dude!); a fish in bag was a quick snack with drink included(lol); the lawnmower scared grass to keep it small(if only it were that simple). It also said there were MREs or Meal, Ready-to-Eat packages in Possum's Desk as well as fake IDs. Must be a paranoid prepper possum!

Back at the campfire, Possum sat on the couch behind Coco in his true Possum form.

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