Thursday 7 May 2020

199 undertale - sans advertises his special attack and it's unskippable

Dear Readers,

Back to the grind of fighting Sans and outlast his speech without getting slaughtered.

I played singlemindedly. I didn't switch between analogue stick and D-Pad for manoeuvres like I was doing until now. I just stuck with analogue stick.

I died many times of course. I just had to remember I got to the part where he said I had to learn when to quit.

I managed to get to his next speech part! He said that day was TODAY.

Then he said 'cause all this fighting was really tiring him out.

I then learned that the bones waving around me during menu choices got me to 1HP but didn't kill me. That might be handy to know. 

I also really like the part where it says "Reading this doesn't seem like the best use of time" with all the bones waving around because it's so true and hilarious :)

He then said if I kept pushing him, he'd be forced to use his special attack.

Then he said yeah, his special attack and asked if it sounded familiar. He said to get ready, because after the next move, he was gonna use it. He said if I didn't wanna see it, now would be a good time to die.

And so, I died. I actually did want to get to it, but he killed me before I could reach that point.

I died a few more times without getting near that point again. Time for another break.

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