Saturday 30 May 2020

16 donut county - diverting the traffic jam underground

Dear Readers,

The Raccoon Police Chief laid upside down by the couch near the campfire. Mira asked if he was alive. Possum said to grab the scanner for him. I said I could get in trouble for this as the Trash King would take away my tablet if he found out.

Mira was like Oh noooOooOoo! She asked if I was gonna get grounded too? Would he drop me and all my friends into a weird cave? I said okay okay I get it.

Possum got something on the scanner. It said trouble continued at Raccoon HQ. It was day 3 of protesters, who had custom t-shirts now. Possum changed frequency. It then said the Donut County shop was missing and investigation was underway for a delivery raccoon named "BK". Yikes! I told Possum to turn it off!

Possum said there had to be some news about Pup. He found some, a report on the 405 about a hot air balloon causing a traffic jam. We got it! Mira said we better hurry as the cops were after Pup. I said the cops were after ME!! She told me to calm down and that she'd visit me in jail. I was like WHAT? and she said she was a really good friend to do it. Yeesh. She said we had a delivery to make first.

The scene shifted to The 405 highway. There was indeed a huge traffic jam on the road. There were palm trees, some of which were on fire, a big wall, some grassland, a cityscape in the background and also some mountains that had the word "RACCOON" in a Hollywood sign style lettering :) There was a lovely hazy orange sky. The music that played here had some beats and chimes and clicks but not a specific tune. There was also the noise of traffic. I deployed the hole.

The hole appeared near the smallest motorist, a mouse in a mouse-sized car! Hilariously, there was a human-sized coffee cup on the roof they must've forgotten! The rest of the motorists were raccoons. I swallowed up some small stuff, then the cup, then the mouse car.

The camera shifted up ahead, where some raccoons got fed up of waiting and set up a picnic table and chairs and like, 9 TV sets in the middle of the road! There was another raccoon with a car jack changing the tyre of a Donut County delivery truck. What a fun scene! There was also a helicopter in the air, overlooking the whole thing.

I swallowed up some rubble, the raccoons watching TV, the TVs, the raccoon with the jack, the doughnuts that fell out of the truck as a result, and finally, the picnic table. I got a doughnut as ammunition.

Then it shifted further ahead, where Pup was in the hot air balloon. He was surrounded by three raccoon cops with quadcopters attached to them. Two had megaphones and one had a Polaroid style camera, taking pictures of the balloon. On the ground were instant photos piling up and a barrier blocking the huge volume of traffic behind it.

I shot the doughnut at the raccoon with the camera, who grabbed the doughnut and dropped the camera. I shot the camera out which snapped a pic of the raccoon and dazzled them, causing them to drop down to the ground. I swallowed them up. I did the same with the other two raccoons. Then I shot the raccoons themselves at the hot air balloon, where they grabbed onto the basket and weighed it down.

A white furred raccoon quadcopter cop appeared and the music changed to an urgent beat. They had a grappling hook gun which kept missing... whatever they were shooting it at. I dazzled them with the camera and had to do it more than once. Then it fell down the hole. 

I shot out the white raccoon at the balloon and they grabbed onto the basket. It was much heavier set than the other raccoons and pulled the balloon down the hole. The cars started driving and they all drove into the hole!

The Trashopedia had some interesting descriptions for quadcopters, the different kinds of cars and the different kinds of cone-shaped objects, all very humorous :)

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