Saturday 31 October 2020

1 magical cat academy 2 - halloween google doodle 2020

Dear Readers,

Today I played this charming game starring a cat with a magic wand underwater, trying to fend off ghosts and fish.

I had to play using the mouse and drawing the indicated lines, much like a Nintendo DS game. It was easy and it got challenging with a few bosses.

The straight lines were easy, the arrow lines more challenging and the spirally Dreamcast logo lines were a bit tougher, as they didn't always register as spirals. The colour always indicated if it would work or not though.

In the second level, the schools of fish were pretty cool. I had a lightning bolt to draw now too.

In the third level, this big ghost was pretty creepy the way it rushed at me and then came at me slowly with lots of lines to draw too. I managed it handily though.

In the fifth level inside the sunken ship, there was a light that was dimming and I had to make out the shapes I had to draw. Then it turned out the light belonged to a huge creepy angler fish boss! I had to draw a lot of lines for that creature and it got pretty close and creepy!

In the sixth and last level, there was a huge ghost that sucked me in to an undersea volcano and it was pretty tough. I lost a lot of health and just barely beat it. When I did, I was able to escape and go back to my friends. Hooray!

My final score was 90,555. You can score more by sussing combos and stuff.

There was also a link to the first game starring the cat. I do remember it from a different Halloween Google Doodle.

Friday 30 October 2020

121 ace attorney 6 - owen emerges!

Dear Readers,

Taka came back with the sweet buns and landed on the judge's head. I immediately told Uendo to eat up.

The judge, meanwhile, was enjoying his sweet bun. He said you could really taste the saké. Uendo was hesitant to eat and the judge asked him if he was scared of how many calories it had. Wow the judge is pretty silly haha.

I'd like some red bean buns. I tried them once and liked them. Wouldn't go for the saké kind though.

Uendo finally ate a bun and got very tipsy. Patches and Kisegawa were in denial until they collapsed and someone else came forth out of him, sniffling. The judge asked them their name and occupation.

They introduced themself as Owen and they were 5 years old. He seemed really timid. I asked him nicely about Taifu and he said he loved him like a real grandpa.

I didn't sense any discord in Owen's heart and he seemed genuinely timid and sad. Simon found the situation strange, thinking about the cards again. Who first laid them out? I said it was the true killer!

Nahyuta slammed his bench with his fist, giving out to me for changing my argument again. I told him to cool it with the sermons and hear me out. That's telling him!

Simon helped with my argument. We said Uendo arranged the cards because he saw the OWEN 4TH message and rearranged them because he was convinced Owen committed the crime and wanted to hide him. The one who made that OWEN 4TH message must've tried to pin the crime on him and this was the true killer.

Nahyuta objected to me wanting to have Owen testify but then he was interrupted by Owen, saying he saw Taifu getting killed. Nahyuta was not happy with this but the judge asked Owen to testify.

Thursday 29 October 2020

120 ace attorney 6 - ordering sweet buns by carrier hawk!

Dear Readers,

Eventually I had to consult Simon on what to do. It was true that I had to object to the statement about Uendo eating the sweet bun, but I had to brute force an answer until I got to the scrap of paper that said Do Not Disturb on it.

I matched this with the saké bottle since it had the same camel pattern. I argued that Uendo passed out from eating a bun that contained saké. Simon backed me up by saying the buns were made especially to retain as much alcohol as possible. Uendo disagreed to being pinned as being that much of a lightweight, so I asked the judge if I could test my theory, to which he obliged.

I told Simon to buy some of these buns, making sure to get one for me as well. The judge wanted one too! Simon didn't like being treated like an errand boy but he agreed to it. He summoned Taka for the first time in the game and sent him to fetch the buns, demanding payment from all of us.

The judge called for an adjournment until the carrier hawk came back with the goodies. 

I love this! It's fun and kind of puts Simon in his place too!

Wednesday 28 October 2020

119 ace attorney 6 - uendo testifies about owen

Dear Readers,

Uendo finally said something about Owen, but he was in denial, bringing Patches and Kisegawa into it for reinforcements.

I pressed away on all of their statements and learned that the different personalities emerge when it's best for them to deal with a particular situation. Otherwise, they're always listening. I brought up the possibility of unconsciousness of the other personalities and said I had proof when I thought of Bucky talking about the three freshes before falling down drunk. I pointed out the saké on the table!

Uendo admitted to eating a sweet manju bun, but denied drinking even a drop of the saké as it would make him lose consciousness.

From the photograph I could see that maybe some sake could've spilled on the bun, but I had no idea how to bring it up! Gah!

Tuesday 27 October 2020

118 ace attorney 6 - bucky speaks up

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta then asked me if it was the defence's claim that Uendo is the true murderer in this case. I said we had to at least consider him a suspect. At this he went "Hold it!"

He said he did tamper with the scene, but he did not kill Taifu. I asked him why he did the tampering. He refused to answer me and Nahyuta supported him, highlighting the lack of a motive.

Nahyuta also brought up something I didn't know: Bucky went into the dressing room before 4PM. I was shocked. He said he didn't think to mention it. Yeah right...

We went over and back about the possibility of Bucky carrying out the murder before 4PM when all of a sudden there was a "Hold it!" from Bucky himself! He woke up!

He said Taifu ordered uncooked noodles. When he delivered them, Taifu seemed to ignore him and just recited rakugo lines, which was why Bucky got mad and went back to his shop. After this, he started feeling sick again and left.

This explained why he was like this! Unfortunately, the judge could only accept the possibility that the time of death was between 2 and 4PM.

We then brought up that we still had to consider Owen. Uendo was hesitant and Nahyuta encouraged this, but Simon's persuasiveness in bringing up perjury intimidated him into testifying about Owen.

Monday 26 October 2020

117 ace attorney 6 - uendo's tampering

Dear Readers,

Everything to do with Uendo's emotions pointed to him knowing the meaning behind the "OWEN 4TH" message. Nahyuta kicked up his usual stink over this but I continued anyway, explaining that Uendo had multiple personalities, and with so many different personas he uses in his acting, he had dissociative identity disorder.

Nahyuta found this laughable but Uendo himself admitted to this. So he wasn't just acting, he actually had different personalities? The judge asked him to introduce all of them.

With every character, each one had a different name! There was Uendo of course, then Patches, the friendly jester that did the jokey fan waving thing and finally Kisegawa the Courtesan, who pointed and did a smoking gesture with the fan.

Nahyuta said all this did was invade Uendo's privacy and I disagreed, pointing out the cards, saying Owen could've been a 4th personality.

This led to an over and back between us and Nahyuta, who said Uendo had an alibi. Uendo went on to testify about this alibi where he bombed on stage, but he was still on stage. Nahyuta tried to get me to give up and he even threw his beads at me! I wouldn't budge though, so he tried again and Simon deflected them this time.

Whew! Now to cross examine this. I had to press him on his statements until the subject became about his performance on the "Tokisoba" or "Time Soba". Nahyuta went into huge detail about it and I understood it as a story about a man trying to cheat his way out of paying the full amount for his noodles.

This contradicted with the invitation's programme of events and i raised an "Objection!"

Taifu was the one who was supposed to perform the ritual that Uendo performed. I asked him why and he said he did it as a prank, though he had a lot of trouble saying it.

I said he might've been trying to deceive us about either

  • The cause of the victim's death
  • The time of the victim's death
  • What the victim was to perform
I had no idea which one to pick so I brute forced it until I got the right answer, which was the second one. Uendo deceived, and he used the TV as a prop to carry out his deception. He wanted to make it seem like Taifu was still alive and rehearsing. He even performed badly on purpose so laughter wouldn't be heard from the TV.

I argued all of this created the possibility that Uendo could've killed Taifu much earlier than when he was found.

We demanded an explanation from Uendo and he finally admitted something: He tampered with the crime scene. The gallery started chattering.

Sunday 25 October 2020

116 ace attorney 6 - pinpointing uendo's emotions

Dear Readers,

I now had a different sort of challenge: matching the cards with the stains they got when the broth spilled over them. When I had finished with a "Take that!" the words spelled out changed from "WHET NO 4" to "OWEN 4TH".

This turned things in my favour! That was until I was challenged on what it meant. Nahyuta jumped on this opportunity to insult me of course, but Simon silenced him by bringing up the fact that someone deliberately rearranged the cards to pin the blame on Bucky. That all by itself proved Bucky wasn't the real culprit.

Simon demanded to know what Uendo was doing in there but Nahyuta advised him to be quiet, so he tried. However, Simon, with his power of suggestion, got the talkative Uendo to be his regular self. Simon had the ability to appeal to the audience too, which was very convincing for Uendo, so he went on to testify again.

He said he called to the master from outside the room but there was no reply. When he went in, his master was slumped over.

There was nothing wrong with this, but I did notice some faint discord in his heart. I carried out a special therapy session. Nahyuta objected to it but Uendo insisted speaking his mind. The judge allowed it. Always nice to get one over on Nahyuta!

I read that Uendo was happy to go see his master and sad to see him slumped over. Nothing was wrong with what he was feeling, but what he wasn't feeling was what I had to pinpoint. He wasn't feeling surprised or shocked and I pinpointed that. When I asked him about it, he got all jokey and punny with his answers, which were funny alright, but was he trying to distract?

When I told him I thought he may have already known that his master was dead, he did a spit take and said he just remembered he thought his master was sleeping. He also brought up a note, which Nahyuta then revealed. It said "Resting. Do not disturb." and it was supposedly written by Taifu himself.

Uendo updated his testimony to include the new facts, but this revealed another unexpected emotion. Anger. I pinpointed this with a "Got it!" and he said he stubbed his toe.

Nahyuta objected to this apparent irrelevance, but I insisted going on, saying the slightest thing could bring us to the truth.

I was asked what it could've been that Uendo stubbed his toe on and I thought maybe the table at first, but then I noticed this trail that wiped some of the flour off the floor. It led to the TV, which led me to suggest that the TV was originally by the door, which was what made Uendo stub his toe.

He admitted this was true straight away! The noise level in him went down some more. Just 10% left!

He said he moved the TV so he wouldn't stub his toe again and that his performance onstage could be viewed on it.

I didn't know what else to find even though I still detected noise in him, so Simon asked him did he bump into the table as he was moving the TV. He said he did, and it stirred Taifu's body, which made him notice he was dead.

With his updated testimony, the intensity of his surprise/shock emotion was pretty high, so I pinpointed that. When I confronted him on his bigger surprise, he wouldn't admit anything. Then Simon confronted him and suddenly, the noise level in him went to 100% again! Yikes!

This called for a slightly different approach. I had to probe into what was causing the emotional distress and call him out on it. I pointed out the cards with the message. Suddenly, his noise went all the way down to 0%! Getting somewhere now!

Saturday 24 October 2020

115 ace attorney 6 - uendo testifies

Dear Readers,

The judge asked Simon why he was at my bench. He said he got bored of watching from the gallery, and he would be cross if he lost his favourite soba shop. 

Nahyuta, in his typical manner, said Simon was going to the side of impurity and sin, telling Simon he would be reborn as a panda with inverted colours. JERK!

Simon chastised me for almost falling to Nahyuta's cheap parlour tricks. I said I was about to get serious!

Geiru was dismissed and Nahyuta announced yet another witness, one to testify about the cards, Uendo Toneido.

Uendo came to the stand and introduced himself theatrically before leaving. I had to call him back. He signed his autograph on a fan and tossed it at me in a dramatic 3D effect.

He testified, jumping between different characters and puns. He was pretty charming, but also kind of unsettling. I liked when he tried to make a pun based on the word "stiff" but it fell flat on me, making him sad. 

I had absolutely no idea where to come in with my "Objection!" and it took me ages until I had to consult Simon. Then I reloaded and used the autopsy report on the statement about the master drowning in soba broth.

Uendo had a sweaty spit take reaction. Of course, nothing was found in the lungs so the master couldn't have drowned from soba broth. The judge asked when his face was thrust into the bowl and I said it must've been after the murder.

Nahyuta argued this indicated Bucky's feelings towards the master. Simon yelled "Silence!" a few times as they went over and back, as my comebacks weren't satisfying enough for him.

Simon demanded more detail of the cards to be provided and Nahyuta actually had a clearer photograph of them, what they spelled out and how they were stained. Simon spotted something was up straight away and laughed at Nahyuta's conclusive evidence.

I didn't spot it as quickly as he did, but I did notice that the cards must've been rearranged based on the stain patterns not matching. I brought this up and it was clear someone tried to pin the crime on Bucky. Nahyuta clutched at his beads in frustration, which was satisfying! Gonna expose your phoniness, you jerk...

Friday 23 October 2020

114 ace attorney 6 - balloon artist geiru testifies

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta introduced Geiru Toneido, who was going to testify next. She made a dramatic and cheerful entrance with balloon art, and by snapping her suspenders to make her breasts jiggle. The judge was taken in by her "balloons" and I had to ask him to save the fanboying until after the trial. Yikes. I've never seen the judge like this to this degree.

She made a balloon hat and a balloon cake, which looked to me like a monster head. She said she had to smile even though she lost her master and that she got involved with this act to be like her father someday.

The way she holds and waves a narrow balloon to make it wiggle is a bit too amusing!

She testified about being in the hallway with Simon and seeing Bucky and Uendo only. She also mentioned that Jugemu was barking like mad.

Nahyuta asked Simon if he had any objections and he said he didn't before grumpily telling Nahyuta to make up his mind.

Nahyuta didn't ask ME however! I had to jump in and stand up for myself to deal with his insults. Simon smiled, seemingly finding some common ground with him.

I pressed on details, particularly on the point of Jugemu, who was her dog. He was barking because he was hungry, so she went out to feed him. I asked Simon to confirm this and he did, begrudgingly. He complained about having to come to the stand again and again to confirm details. He also said the dog buried leftovers in the yard.

I checked the diagram and saw that the door blocked the view when it was wide open, which contradicted her statement about being able to see in at the dressing room door. I raised an "Objection!" and pointed out the way the door opened.

Geiru sweated and squeezed a big round red balloon, giving a striking visual of the pressure she was feeling right now.

I argued since Simon didn't see the dressing room door either, someone else could have gone in there.

I asked Geiru why she hid the fact she couldn't see the door and Nahyuta jumped in, saying I was trying to cast suspicion on her. He said she was grieving and made a mistake and everyone thought I was wrong for doing it. He made me feel real small and alone... what an awful bully he is.

I stood firm though and said as long as there was a moment no one was watching the door, we couldn't carry out a conviction solely on these testimonies.

Nahyuta then decided to push a little, announcing that he had conclusive evidence. He showed a photo of the crime scene, where it was apparent that the victim spelled out "Whet no. 4" which refers to Bucky. This did shake me a little.

Nahyuta then put the pressure on me again to give up, calling on the crowd who agreed with him. Even I didn't expect him to do something as low and dirty as this. This did make some thoughts run through my head.

Suddenly, someone yelled "Silence!" and it was Simon! He was standing by my side as well! He said Nahyuta was trying to manipulate the trial, saying it was a cheap trick for a supposedly holy man. Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about! To heck with Nahyuta!

Thursday 22 October 2020

113 ace attorney 6 - simon testifies

Dear Readers,

When Simon, the one who asked me to defend Bucky, took the witness stand, I yelled at him for not telling me he was going to be testifying. He said there wasn't time. He had plenty of time for insults though!

Nahyuta said it was a pity he didn't share details on the damning scene with me beforehand. That made me worried.

This looked like Simon's first meeting with Nahyuta. He said this case involved "rakugo," a traditional form of Japanese comedic storytelling and asked if Nahyuta was familiar with it. He said he did a bit of reading on it and got an idea of it. Simon snapped, saying he couldn't have learned that much in such a short time. Nahyuta then went on to explain in detail what he had learned so far. Simon seemed impressed, and so did the judge, who asked Nahyuta to actually recite something.

Before this went on any longer I double slapped my table, asking if we could get back to the trial! The judge cleared his throat and asked Simon to go ahead.

Simon said he went to the theatre at about 4pm and to the victim's dressing room to say hello. Bucky went in after he came out, only to come storming out a while later. The junior disciple, named Uendo, went into the room afterwards and discovered the body.

I wasn't happy with this. I told him it looked like he was practically accusing Bucky of the crime. He retorted by saying he could only state what he saw and couldn't help how it appeared and called on me to straighten it out.

On the other hand, he had absolutely no reason to lie, so all I could do was press him for more info. He came forth with the invitation letter he got from Master Toneido; the fact that he and Geiru, who escorted him, didn't meet the master, as it seemed he was practising inside; the fact that Bucky was heard shouting inside the room; the fact that Uendo went into the room, but Simon himself didn't see as he was around the corner; the fact that Uendo screamed and rushed out.

That was that. Nahyuta summarised Simon's statement by pointing out on the diagram the movements of Bucky and Uendo and how they entered and left via different ways.

I asked Simon if he could give me something better to work with and he said that was my job. Nahyuta, with his angry chanting, told him he was colluding and was no prosecutor, telling him to begone. Simon was offended at being treated like an evil spirit to be exorcised and said he'd remember this, calling Nahyuta a blackguard.

Wow the sparks. The dialogue between them is pretty interesting. They're both jerks, but Nahyuta is the bigger jerk.

Nahyuta continued insulting, calling me half-boiled. He wanted to call another witness for the prosecution, saying that Simon was effectively working for me, but that Ms. Geiru Toneido would be working for him.

Simon was definitely being impartial towards me, but let's see who this is.

Wednesday 21 October 2020

112 ace attorney 6 - court begins with insults from everywhere

Dear Readers,

Bucky's trial started. I was ready and so was... Nahyuta. He came all the way back to take on this case! He said Edgeworth called for him to come back especially for this case. He had some insults for me too, calling me callow and shrill.

I was determined to show them all what I could do!

Nahyuta outlined the situation, which took place at Kurukuru Tei, a storyteller's theatre. The victim's name was Taifu Toneido. A diagram of the area was submitted. The autopsy report as well, which said the victim died of suffocation, but there was nothing found in his lungs or stomach and there was no murder weapon. The cause of suffocation was yet to be established as well.

I asked Nahyuta how he could accuse Bucky when he didn't know how the victim was killed or even with what. He answered that Bucky was the only one who had the opportunity.

The judge asked Bucky to plead his case but he wasn't there. I had to apologise on behalf of him and tell the judge Bucky was in the infirmary. Already not going well...

Nahyuta continued, saying the victim asked the accused to the theatre. Taifu was making soba in his dressing room at the time of the murder. He then said Bucky had a motive. He was supposed to inherit the shop when he lost his father, but it was believed that Taifu stole the deed and put it in his safe. He said he believed Bucky killed Taifu in order to get the deed back.

I was only learning these facts now! Simon kinda threw me into the deep end here when he asked me to defend Bucky. Nahyuta copped this and called me a putrid egg yolk for coming in unprepared! WOW. From "spring chick" to this...

Nahyuta then presented a witness, someone who was there when the victim's body was found. The witness was... Simon! What's going on!?

Tuesday 20 October 2020

111 ace attorney 6 - my drunk client

Dear Readers,

Now to begin episode 4! It begins with an anime cutscene of an old man eating and counting or something. Then, someone comes up behind him and the next thing we know, he's dead! Some unidentified voices then discuss that "Shisho" was dead and wonder if a certain person did it. They panic and one of them comes up with an idea...

I am Athena Cykes! I waited in the defence lobby for my client but they weren't here yet. 

Someone did arrive and it was... Simon Blackquill! From Ace Attorney 5! He wasn't pleased about me being the only lawyer on this case. I told him Apollo was busy helping Trucy with her magic show and Phoenix was still abroad. Alongside him was my client, a fellow named Bucky Whet and he seemed really drunk.

Simon said being accused of the murder took a toll on poor Bucky. The victim was his master and father figure too. I told him I believed in him and I would defend him to the very end. He seemed grateful but he was three sheets to the wind and disorderly, so he did thank me, but he fell to the ground.

I asked Simon how he knew him and he said he goes to Whet Soba regularly and knew Bucky since he was a lad. He said he wanted to be able to face Bucky's master in the next life, so he came to the Wright Anything Agency to find someone he could trust, but never intended to ask me. 

Insulting jerk... I told Bucky to get up off the floor, as we had a case to win. He did for a moment, but answered a phone call with a ringtone that voiced "Whet Soba" before saying he couldn't as he was at the courthouse. The customer hung up and he blacked out, collapsing on the floor again.

I asked Simon what was meant by three freshes of soba and he gave me a detailed explanation on how the noodles were made.

He also said he couldn't help me, him being a prosecutor and everything. He had some more insulting words which made me vow to show him what I could do!

Monday 19 October 2020

110 ace attorney 6 - wrapping up the third episode!

Dear Readers,

Now that the whole truth was revealed and Tahrust returned to the Twilight Realm, the judge was now ready to wrap things up. He asked Nahyuta if the prosecution had anything left to say.

Nahyuta said he owed a debt to me that he would pay back in court someday.

The judge also was ready to overturn the verdict of yesterday's trial. He declared Maya and me, on all charges, not guilty!

With this, butterflies from the pool swirled around the courtroom before leaving through the skylight, just like with Ahlbi's trial.

Afterwards, Maya and I were in the accused lobby, discussing everything that happened. I asked Princess Rayfa how she was and she was of course furious. She said I desecrated her parents' teachings and called me a soulless infidel! She was dealing with this heavy truth and questioned whether she was worth or not of hearing the voices of the mitamah.

Maya disagreed. She said the princess was needed for her own abilities and that the people believed in her too.

Maya's gentle and kind expressions are really nice. It's amazing what she's become.

I told Rayfa that Maya was right. The trial really needed her Insights as evidence and it didn't matter if they weren't accurate, as they helped to assure that justice was served. I further said her Insights weren't the problem, it was the legal system in her country.

Maya told Rayfa that as crown princess, she was destined to rule the kingdom someday and that she had to determine what would keep her people happy as well as what was true and what was false and what role she had to play therein. Rayfa wondered if she was up to the task and Maya said she was more than capable.

Just then, there was an explosion. Beh'leeb approached us and apologised to us. She painted a symbol on her forehead using her lipstick, saying she had to continue what her husband did to make amends and see the revolution through.

Datz showed up too with his big grin and thumbs up, greeting me cheerfully! He said he wished he had time to chat. Then he called to Dhurke, saying everything was ready.

Dhurke then appeared briefly before the three of them left with bailiffs chasing after them.

I thought about the legal revolution that was gonna happen here when Maya interrupted me with her new idea: "The Steel Samurai vs. The Rebel Dhurke"! She said it would be awesome and if the Plumed Punisher was there too, everyone would go nuts over it!

I still couldn't understand her interest in those shows.

And that was that! Episode finished! A new episode opened up, "Turnabout Storyteller"

Sunday 18 October 2020

109 ace attorney 6 - something we can finally believe in

Dear Readers,

The judge confirmed that I was claiming that the warbaa'd statue claimed both lives of Tahrust and Puhray. Nahyuta screamed angrily when I did. Even Tahrust was ready to call me a liar when a "Hold it!" came from somewhere.

It was Beh'leeb! She asked her husband didn't he think this was going on long enough? He continued sweating, insisting to the judge that she knew nothing! The judge shook his head and told him to let his wife speak.

Beh'leeb said it was that time when her husband usually said prayers and played the alarm chime she set on her watch, which was the Steel Samurai theme. She said she did the same, so she set this alarm as a reminder every day. She then said she herself was the one who slew Puhray.

Tahrust held his head in his hands and screamed in despair, collapsing to the ground. The judge asked for a physician, even though it was Maya who was channelling him.

I asked Beh'leeb to tell us what she knew. She revealed that she was a rebel as well. She went to the hideout to prepare for Datz's escape but encountered Puhray, who was investigating. She further revealed that Puhray was Lady Kee'ra and that he was a member of the secret police, serving directly under the minister of justice. This was the trick up his sleeve.

Poor Princess Rayfa was shocked on learning all this. The crowd were too, hearing that Puhray could carry out state-sanctioned murder.

Beh'leeb continued, saying Puhray went for her but she pushed the slab with all her might which lead to his death.

Tahrust came back and said he'd take it from here. He said he covered Puhray's body with snow and took it to the Plaza of Devotion to place it in prayer pose and planted the dagger before anyone else arrived to pray, knowing no one would notice.

I asked him if he was admitting he tried to pin the crime on Maya. He said he was and that he never told his wife about it. I asked him how he got Maya's prints on the dagger and he told me how he got her to practise the rite and drugged her into a sleep just before the rite. Then he put the robes over the statue before ending his own life in order to pin the crime on her.

The judge asked about how the robes ended up on the ground and Tahrust said he threw them there with the last ounce of his strength.

Nahyuta said Tahrust didn't need to do all that to get Maya accused of murder. I said because of the DC Act, which I had to use Dhurke's Law Book to bring it up, would prevent him from doing that because a lawyer would be needed to prove circumstantial evidence of self-defence.

Nahyuta, supposedly so enlightened in everything, couldn't see why Tahrust had to commit suicide. I mentioned the Séance, which was so important in this country's legal system, and explained Tahrust had to frame the whole thing to make it look like Maya was the culprit.

Rayfa confronted him with this falsifying of evidence and he asked for forgiveness but this was the only way he could help his wife.

I said if he approached me first, I could have proved the murder was in self-defence. He said perhaps, but he still had little faith in lawyers despite being a rebel. Nahyuta slammed his fist, saying there must've been other ways to cover up the crime. He said his wife would rush to defend him and in turn suffer the same fate under the DC Act.

Rayfa was affected deeply by what had been going on in her kingdom for such a long time and the part she played in it.

Tahrust asked me to show the might of my legal prowess and prevent another innocent soul to be charged under this despicable law! I said I'd do what I could. He said it was unforgivable, but he could only offer his humblest of apologies. He then asked the judge to look after his wife and asked Rayfa to use the Magatama of Parting as he had to return to the Twilight Realm. Beh'leeb asked her to give her the honour of doing it.

Tahrust put back on Maya's upper body clothes thankfully, and had some parting words with his wife. She said was so glad to see him one last time and thanked him for everything. He said he was sorry to leave her like this. She said he could watch over her from the world beyond and she would think of him with every breath.

In a dramatic 3D cut scene, she used the Magatama of Parting and his spirit left Maya's body. A bright flash happened, Beh'leeb shed some tears as she said farewell to her darling Tahrust and that was it.

A smiling Maya announced that the high priest had returned to the Twilight Realm.

She said she felt great, which must've meant things went well. She asked about the trial and I said it was a sad reality born of love and a great tragedy born of the DC Act.

Saturday 17 October 2020

108 ace attorney 6 - logical path to the true murder weapon

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta said there was a big, gaping hole in my claim. He said if it was the case that Beh'leeb killed Puhray, then that would mean his supposed role as Lady Kee'ra would've been dead before Tahrust was murdered. That would mean Tahrust couldn't have been killed by this Lady Kee'ra. This also meant I ran out of suspects!

He told me to give up but I wouldn't! I had to think things through in that dramatic logical style! with the laser heading towards the light! I thought things from the start:

What could tell me something about the crime scene before the murder? Maya's testimony about the blood red stream before the rite!

The spring was already red before Tahrust's murder because of Puhray's blood!

Tahrust already knew about the murder but didn't tell the cops because he wanted to keep the hideout hidden!

He had to go through with the rite because he wanted to set up the scene during it!

He planned to conceal the source of the blood in the spring by using his own blood!

The one who killed the high priest was... Tahrust himself!

There was uproar at the notion of the high priest committing suicide. The judge and Nahyuta questioned my logic seriously, talking about the dagger.

I said Tahrust died by a different weapon and it was the Warbaa'd Statue! At this, Nahyuta hit himself in the face with his own beads when they snapped!

Friday 16 October 2020

107 ace attorney 6 - the fan trade maya made

Dear Readers,

I boldly declared that Puhray Zeh'lot had been posing as the rebel-hunting Lady Kee'ra.

There was uproar. I was told to prove it, not just use a process of elimination. I chose the warning letter and argued for the possibility since Puhray also lived with Tahrust.

The judge said that would overturn the entire premise of the case if Lady Kee'ra turned out to be the victim.

That would mean the only suspect left was Beh'leeb. I said what if Mrs. Inmee was a rebel? Going over the facts, including the alarm clock in the hideout, it was looking increasingly plausible. 

Tahrust then started laughing on the topic of the alarm clock. He said they kept the alarm switched off because it would give away the hideout otherwise. Oooh! Tricky move! He was channelled after we talked about the Plumed Punisher theme going off.

It was suddenly looking very bad for my case and the judge was about to go ahead with the verdict again. That was until Tahrust mentioned the distinctive taiko drums in the intro to the theme. Aha!

He was about to say a word to his wife before leaving when I butted in with a very big "O-B-J-E-C-T-I-O-N-!"

I brought up the Plumed Punisher strap and played the tune. No taiko drums! I then said Puhray heard the Steel Samurai theme in his final moments!

The judge asked me who the Steel Samurai was and I enlightened him. I then said the themes were similar and you could confuse the two if you didn't know who the Steel Samurai was. I explained further that Maya got the strap in a trade with a fan and she gave them something that played the Steel Samurai theme. I said this fan was Beh'leeb.

Nahyuta objected and told me to give evidence to back this claim up. All 5 of my chances lit up! This was the big one! I noticed Beh'leeb was wearing the Steel Samurai watch in the family photo and brought that up and pointed it out! 

Tahrust was now in a sweaty state of desperation. He insisted his wife never had such a watch!

Nahyuta halted him and chanted angrily, saying there was a big hole in my claim. What was up his sleeve? 

Thursday 15 October 2020

106 ace attorney 6 - pointing out who was in disguise as lady kee'ra

Dear Readers,

Tahrust backlashed with his glowing magatama and a KAAA! when I suggested it was his wife Beh'leeb who took the disguise as Lady Kee'ra, killing both him and Puhray. The judge had never seen him so angry.

Nahyuta said Maya was already found guilty of Tahrust's murder and the judge told me to apologise. I refused, saying Lady Kee'ra's identity was a major piece to this trial's puzzle. I told Tahrust to admit it.

With a "Hold it!" he reminded me that his wife was pregnant. I desperately tried to argue that Maya wouldn't have had the strength to battle rebels either. Nahyuta then chanted angrily at me. Both he and Tahrust teamed up and explained that Maya could've channelled the original Lady Kee'ra. Tahrust even testified on this point.

I had to prove she didn't. It wasn't easy, as to doubt anything involving Lady Kee'ra was to doubt the religion itself.

I was stuck! Many things didn't seem right but on consulting, the point I had to argue against was the one about Maya knowing Lady Kee'ra's true name and I had to use the Tome of Secrets. I then had to point out the face, which was hidden behind a mask in the Tome of Secrets. Without knowing her real face, Maya could not have channelled her!

This left the judge to ask me who was the actual person disguised as Lady Kee'ra. Nahyuta was keen to listen to my deduction as well. I had no idea! But I had to consider deductions, eliminations. Nothing really worked, so I guessed and got it right with Puhray, even though it didn't make sense because wasn't he killed before Tahrust? I continued anyway...

Wednesday 14 October 2020

105 ace attorney 6 - the other inmee

Dear Readers,

Tahrust went on to testify about what he heard from the rebel hideout.

He said there was an altercation between a man and a woman, specifically between Puhray and Maya. Then there was a loud noise, followed by a haunting silence.

He was ready to leave, even though the tape hadn't come back! I had to keep him here and press him on a few details.

The subject of his wife Beh'leeb came up on the first press. The judge mentioned he never saw her that day. Tahrust said she was in the kitchen cooking the whole time, making hahtin'supaise which sounds "hot and spicy" and mehl'tenmoht which sounds "melt in mouth", both sounding very tasty and enjoyable indeed :)

I asked him to describe the loud noise and he said it was a terrible crash.

The judge was getting impatient. I asked Tahrust if he went to the scene afterward. He said he did out of concern but didn't find anything wrong. I asked if it was like in the photo and he said it was.

I spent way too long trying to come up with an inconsistency. In the end I had to use consult and use the photo of the hideout on the statement about the heavy feeling. Everything else was wrong with what he said as well but I had to go on this point for now.

Nahyuta brought up the alibi when I said the high priest couldn't have known it was something heavy. That was definitely a factor, so I said the high priest must have heard it from the real culprit.

Who was the real culprit? The only woman or person close to him it could have been was Beh'leeb.

When I brought up this possibility, everyone was furious. I argued the possibility though, and argued further that she could've been the Lady Kee'ra figure that killed her husband too. I said we couldn't rule it out.

With a "Hold it!" Tahrust went "KAAAAAH!"

Tuesday 13 October 2020

104 ace attorney 6 - untahrustworthy testimony

Dear Readers,

Tahrust had an ironclad alibi and went on to testify.

He said he was entertaining guests at the time when Puhray was murdered. I thought about what Princess Rayfa said about a soul's memories. I turned to consult Maya but saw an empty space, forgetting momentarily that she was channelling Tahrust. Whoops! That was funny!

I thought he was a bit too comfortable using the word "alibi" and pressed him on other details, like who his guests were. He said he was entertaining the judge himself and his family! The judge was pleased that he himself could back up his statements!

I had to decide whether there was anything wrong with Tahrust's testimony. I said there was indeed something wrong and that was the fact that he knew the time of the crime.

The reaction from Tahrust was quite a picture. He literally had an out of body experience when Maya's body flopped onto the stand. His spirit hung in the air and dived back in to her body again.

I asked him how he know the time of the crime and he was in bad shape. He made a distraction by doing a blessing, which the judge enjoyed, but couldn't fool me! I said a prayer couldn't make a contradiction disappear!

Just then, Nahyuta interrupted with one of his chants. He then said this could be explained by Tahrust listening to what was going on at the hideout through the microphone that was there. Tahrust confirmed this and said there was a tape at his home that had what was going on recorded on it!

The judge asked the bailiff to retrieve the tape, giving him a lot of work to do today!

Monday 12 October 2020

103 ace attorney 6 - trust in maya

Dear Readers,

The judge said they had official approval from Princess Rayfa to channel a spirit for testimony. He told Maya she could go ahead. The crowd were furious though since only the queen was allowed to do this.

Maya introduced her technique by saying she was studying here for two years in order to master her technique from Kurain, a village of spirit mediums back home from which she hails. She said she'd now show us the fruits of her training in this kingdom. She was confident! Rayfa mocked and goaded her. Maya said if she could pull it off, would Rayfa stop calling her a neophyte and Rayfa agreed with a smirk.

Maya began. She called for the spirit of Tahrust Inmee to return to the world of the living. A dramatic camera effect rose and swooped down on her and with a flash, there stood in her place what looked like the high priest, except he had Maya's hair and clothes!

Tahrust spoke, saying what was this place. Everyone recognised him and they were absolutely gobsmacked. The crowd were quietened but still confused. Rayfa said this couldn't be... she didn't know how this was actually happening but she stepped away before she forgot herself.

The judge and Tahrust spoke to each other. Tahrust wondered if this was the Twilight Realm and if the Holy Mother bestowed upon him gorgeous locks for decades of service. He enjoyed having them, doing a little hair flip. Haha! The judge told him it was Maya who channelled him.

This was an amazing exchange between the judge and the high priest! I laughed quite a bit when I saw Tahrust appear with Maya's features!

Tahrust didn't have all her features though... He took off her top to reveal his own tattooed chest to get a bit more comfort. I hope he puts it back on before he leaves...

He wondered why he was here and the judge said he was accused of murder. He put his leg behind his head and said that was troubling indeed. The judge asked me to explain the situation to him.

I told Tahrust that his disciple had been murdered in the rebel hideout hidden within the Inner Sanctum on the day before the Purification Rite. He was shocked, asking who would do such a thing?

With a slap on my table, I said it was someone who had access to the Inner Sanctum and knew of the hideout, with him fitting that description. I asked wasn't he a rebel himself? He paused and posed. I hoped he wouldn't break anything in Maya's body...

Tahrust admitted to being a rebel, surprised that he had been exposed like that. I asked him why he joined the rebellion? Nahyuta then objected, wanting to ask the most crucial question. He told Tahrust that Maya was being tried for both his and Zeh'lot's murders, and asked him about it.

Tahrust said he was slain by none other than Maya. I asked if he killed Puhray and he said he knew nothing about it and had an alibi. Oh no! Things were working against me!

Sunday 11 October 2020

102 ace attorney 6 - maya's time to shine!

Dear Readers,

I asked the unbelievable at this point. I requested the high priest's testimony. The judge asked me how that could be done since he was dead. I said there was a way and it was known as channelling.

The judge was surprised I even knew about this. He said only the queen could do it, and she was too busy to do it now for us.

Maya said it was okay for me to reveal her powers now. If she wasn't allowed to become a master, it would still be better than being found guilty. With that, we revealed that Maya could channel spirits and everyone was outraged, including Princess Rayfa who said "That's enough!"

She was highly outraged herself but gave us the go ahead to try, threatening to have us executed on the spot if we were lying.

The judge was concerned about an evil spirit coming forth. Rayfa said not to worry as she had a special Magatama of Parting that would send the spirit back. It was red like a stop button.

The judge called for a recess to prepare for this event.

During the break, I apologised to Maya that it had to come to this. She was fine with it though and promised with her training she'd give me a moment i wouldn't forget.

It was a short recess indeed as the bailiff called for us to return to the courtroom. It was showtime.

Saturday 10 October 2020

101 ace attorney 6 - how the victim died and moved

Dear Readers,

With Princess Rafa's Insights corrected, the judge asked me to continue with my explanation on how the victim actually died.

I said that since the victim was killed in the hideout before the high priest's murder, the body was moved to the Plaza of Devotion by the real killer but only after planting the Warbaa'd Dagger to make it look like the murder weapon.

The judge asked why would anyone go to such lengths. I had three choices:

  • A warning from the Twilight Realm
  • A crime committed for fun
  • To make it look like a serial murder
I chose the last one of course. The other two were a bit too crazy. This third one shone a light on the fact that Maya was innocent of both of her assumed murders.

Nahyuta interrupted and chanted angrily before saying I had yet to overturn his argument. He brought up the possibility that Maya could've been in the hideout and pushed the stone slab herself. Then she silenced the high priest and moved the acolyte's body to the middle of the plaza as a warning. The judge seemed to be on board with this. Nahyuta smirked and readjusted his insults for me.

I mulled over the facts in my head. I tried to think of someone who was involved with the rite and was suspected of being a rebel, since only they would have access to the Inner Sanctum and have knowledge of the hideout.

Then it hit me. I had one of those eureka screams. I said there was another suspect but at the same time I was thinking there was a huge problem with this.

The only one I could think of was the high priest! It wasn't the wrong answer, since the story kept going, but where is it going? Nahyuta was furious with me for suspecting the dead since they couldn't testify. It was then that I started looking towards Maya...

Friday 9 October 2020

100 ace attorney 6 - the princess defeated

Dear Readers,

I was ready to make my big dramatic counterargument. I said since the acolyte was killed in a different place at a different time, his body must've been moved and when we saw him praying during the rite, he was already dead.

I then added that the shovelled out snow in the photograph was where the body was placed, which would explain the delayed time of death.

Princess Rayfa yelled "That's enough!" and asked what it all proved. She brought up the fingerprints and the Plumed Punisher theme. I said I was able to invalidate the theme by pointing out the alarm clock in the hideout that also played the theme. She demanded I prove my point and I demanded she prove hers.

Then she said that either way, there was still the matter of the prints. She updated her Insights with the scene of the crime and origin of the theme I asked for, but it still pointed to no one else but Maya as the possible culprit.

I insisted there was another inconsistency. I knew it was the sensation of something HEAVY but I wasn't quite sure what part of the Insight to use it on. It was the simple fact that his hands were on the stone slab. Beforehand, he was thought to have been in prayer, so the revised situation brought about another inconsistency. Where did the heavy feeling come from?

The only thing I could come up with was the stone slab falling on the victim. This sounded implausible, and I was certainly argued on this point, but it was the only option. To follow through, I had to come up with the possibility of the dagger not being the actual murder weapon. I brought up the Inner Sanctum photo and pointed out the warbaa'd statue. I argued the stone slab fell and pushed the victim onto one of the sharp points of the statue while the revolving door was turned the other way. I was able to explain the prints on the dagger as Maya rehearsing with it for the ceremony.

Rayfa looked sad, her belief in the Séance shaken. I told her it wasn't the whole truth itself, but a means for finding the truth and that this kingdom needed lawyers after all so that we could interpret her Insights.

Rayfa seemed really sad now, thinking that all this time she could've been misinterpreting the voices of the spirits. The judge asked was she okay, seeing as the colour drained from her face. She said she will be and to continue without her before she walked away. I did feel bad for her, it was hard not to.

Thursday 8 October 2020

99 ace attorney 6 - the séance and the scene of the crime

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa went on to give her Insights on Puhray Zeh'lot aka Rheel Neh'mu's death. She said the accused held him down before murdering him.

That was the major detail she had about it. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with it so I had to look at the Séance closely.

Wow... this showed a few things to me, including the possibility that this could've taken place inside the hideout and that the victim was leaning against the magatama mossy thing instead of the ground at the plaza. I imagine it would take many turnabouts to get to a conclusion like that so I'll ride it out until then. The smell of Gingihl is the fact that's bothering me right now.

I pointed out the Gingihl sensation and matched it with Beh'leeb's statement about the Feast of Blessings, that the eating of Gingihl was timed very carefully so the smell would dissipate in time for the rite. The judge had completely forgotten about it!

I argued the murder must've happened when the gingihl was eaten and Rayfa butted in with a "That's enough!", saying that contradicted the autopsy report. I said it was an estimate, and that the body could've been preserved by the cold. The judge allowed the autopsy report to be revised. Rayfa was angry, saying I blinded her with science!

Rayfa updated her Insight to account for the time of day, though she said it was still dark, which created another inconsistency. I pointed out the pattern and matched it with the newspaper, which said the ground was covered with thick, white ice on the day before the rite.

It was here I was able to make the argument I wanted to make, that the scene of the crime was not at the plaza, but in the secret hideout. This shocked everybody in the courtroom.

I pointed out the shaggy stone slabs and then saw something I never saw before, the handprints on one of them. Wow. I said I believed the victim was killed here while his hands were pressed against the slab. I was able to point out the luminol test as evidence that a murder did take place there.

This part moved very smoothly! Much more than I thought it would anyway.

The judge asked Ema whose blood it was and she said the police believed it was the high priest's, so they didn't test it. The judge demanded an immediate identification of the blood.

Ema left for a moment before coming back, revealing that the blood did indeed belong to Puhray Zeh'lot!

Nahyuta in his gentle, threatening way told Ema he wanted to see her in his prayer chamber after the trial and give her an 8 hour long sermon. Yeesh! Maybe it was the cops who made the mistake, Nahyuta!

Wednesday 7 October 2020

98 ace attorney 6 - séance of a man in prayer

Dear Readers,

With the real name now known, it was time for Princess Rayfa to carry out another attempt at the Divination Séance.

Before she started, she asked me why a lawyer would work so hard to see it carried out, still thinking it would guarantee my demise. She said I was being a fool and that I would get no gratitude from her. Whatever.

She carried out her Dance of Devotion again in full. Nice of the game to offer the skip option but I let it play out fully. This time it worked!

As expected, the image was of the ground as the victim was kneeling. However, there were several sensations going on that were worth looking at.

The judge said I was right! I wasn't in a good mood though, because the image was of the ground. Nahyuta then said he found more conclusive evidence here for his case, the Plumed Punisher music that was heard. He drew attention to the one-of-a-kind strap that Maya had which could play the theme and he surmised must've went off during the murder. The crowd agreed, the judge agreed and was ready to bring things to an end right there.

However, I piped up and said to slow down, as the Séance needed to be interpreted. Rayfa was displeased with my refusal to admit defeat, but she carried on to give her Insights.

Tuesday 6 October 2020

97 ace attorney 6 - the real name

Dear Readers,

After Princess Rayfa left when her Séance failed, Ema was called to outline the situation. She hesitated and said sorry to me. Nahyuta understood she was friends with Maya and me, but encouraged her to let it go and move on.

Ema hesitated more before saying she couldn't do it, horsing into some Snackoos. Maya told her not to worry about us, that she just do her job and was sure that we'd figure something out eventually. Ema thanked her. Nahyuta commended Maya's bravery and asked Ema to proceed.

When Ema laid it out, Maya and I thought about how there must've been something in the investigation that made the Séance fail. I pressed Ema on a few details of her investigation and she said his personal information didn't match the public records they cross-referenced. I then said maybe the Séance failed because they didn't have his real name. Puhray Zel'lot is a fake name!

I said the royal priestess uses a deceased's face and true name to summon their spirit. Rayfa confirmed this. Since Ema didn't have the real name though, we would have to continue the trial without one. Also, she would have no choice but to use the verdict established in the last case as fact, which was a bummer. She also said he was an illegal immigrant, so they couldn't find out his name. I raised an "Objection!", pointing out the peach tattoo on his neck.

I asked everyone to think about the significance of this, but they thought of dessert instead haha. I pointed out that the clergy got tattoos like these. The judge said he got one on his right buttock haha. Nahyuta told him that was too much information.

Nahyuta identified a name using the criteria of the tattoo, Rheel Neh'mu. I then said we could do the Séance now since we had "Rheel Nah'mu", which was indeed the "real name"! Get it? Haha!

Monday 5 October 2020

96 ace attorney 6 - the third séance

Dear Readers,

I waited in the accused lobby with Maya, who seemed exhausted. She officially asked me to defend her and I said yeah let's do this! Let's finish this and get home so we could make her dream show come true!

Princess Rayfa approached us. She said I looked like I didn't sleep and asked how I could put up a respectable defence like this. I said I was fired up and ready to go! She didn't seem in good spirits herself and expressed her commitment before heading off.

The court session began shortly afterward. Nahyuta didn't have any prayers this time for us since we were already found guilty in the last case, and he already prayed for the victim, so he went straight to business. He said Maya was going to a hell far worse than the one of tickling and he said a few words in his own language that made the judge wince in fear. I didn't feel good about asking for a translation.

Nahyuta laid out the scene for the judge, calling Maya a serial killer now. When I was allowed to respond I insisted that Maya was innocent and nothing could convince me otherwise. Nahyuta calmly brought up Maya's fingerprints, saying that was damning enough.

The judge banged his gavel and said it was time to move on to the Séance. Nahyuta wanted to say something about the Séance but he was interrupted with a "That's enough!" from Princess Rayfa!

Nahyuta apologised for overstepping his bounds. I wondered what that was about. Rayfa was all fired up and ready to defeat me. I said I accepted her challenge. She carried out her ritual with the same effort she always made and...


No Séance, no image at all. What happened? The judge said maybe she was tired from her duties and she insisted angrily she wasn't.

Nahyuta then said he could carry on prosecuting without it.

I slapped my table, saying we should try and find out why the Séance failed. This surprised Rayfa, who said it was for shedding light on an accused's crimes. She and the judge asked why I was so interested in the Séance now. I said it was like evidence, to be assessed so that we could find the truth. Rayfa angrily said it was to be feared, not to be used by lawyers! She stormed off, saying I hadn't seen the last of her!

This court is so primitive and childish. I was really counting on the Séance for answers...

Sunday 4 October 2020

95 ace attorney 6 - investigating the hideout and wrapping up for the day

Dear Readers,

I investigated the secret hideout while Princess Rayfa kept an eye on me from outside, still having plenty to say. She said this place provided a source for the spring water. She also gave out to me for taking photographs of the place.

The first thing I noticed were all the weapons here. Rayfa actually praised me for finding them! Stunning!

Next I looked at the slabs shaped like Magatamas. They were covered in moss. One of them had a loose slab and they both had the source of water flowing underneath them.

She's very silly. When I found the chain that opens the door from the inside she told me to close the door and break the mechanism and she'd visit me once a year. Very silly indeed.

Another silly observation from her about the Plumed Punisher calendar where she tried to connect the rebels to the show. She also said "ever hour" instead of "every  hour" about the clock, revealing another language mistake. Still not as many in this game as the last game though.

I noticed some writing on the wall and Rayfa translated, saying it was from Dhurke to Datz. It was an order to infiltrate the palace after the rite under the guise of returning Lady Kee'ra's costume and to search for clues about the incident from twenty-three years ago. This probably can't happen now because of the murder.

I noticed a bloodstain under the shorter mossy magatama and remembered the luminol testing fluid Ema gave me. I put on the red glasses and found a big smeared stain at the entrance.

I checked the Defiant Dragon symbol and found a microphone behind it, which was strange.

Just then, Ema showed up. Rayfa was able to cover for me being here before the police. As for me, it was time to go back to Tehm'pul Temple and go over everything I'd found to this point.

Ahlbi welcomed me back but I had sad news that I didn't find anything conclusive. Rayfa wondered why I didn't commit any misdeeds during my investigation. She expected me to, since that's what her mother told her lawyers did.

Just then, her attendant told her Nahyuta was looking for her to do a Séance before the trial for him, which was customary here. She said her Insights tomorrow would finally bring me to my knees.

I said I was looking forward to seeing her in court, even though I wasn't, but then again, maybe I could find some new information in her Séance that could help. After all, it's another piece of evidence.

Saturday 3 October 2020

94 ace attorney 6 - finding the secret hideout

Dear Readers,

After Datz left I returned to the bazaar where Ahlbi greeted me, saying how worried he was. Shah'do whined. I asked what happened to him and Ahlbi said he came out about five minutes after I went in.

Princess Rayfa asked me if I found anything of worth. I said I tripped and fell out cold for a while, thinking I should keep things to myself for now. She haughtily said she figured as much. I now had to look for this secret hideout.

Now that I wasn't chasing anyone, I was able to look around with commentary from Rayfa. It was funny when the yak licked her, and there was more fun when she wouldn't admit her tummy was rumbling. The warbaa'd making a lion roar was pretty cool too. It wasn't so cool or funny when Rayfa said I would pay for her fruit. The nerve of her!

I looked around the other areas too, where I found bits and pieces of extra dialogue with Rayfa back to following me around. The next place I had to go was the Inner Sanctum.

At the Inner Sanctum I had to rotate the camera around to interact with the warbaa'd statue more closely. I found a groove where its eye was supposed to be and thought for a moment before using the orb I got from Datz in the eye socket.

This caused the wall behind the statue to open sideways like a door. Rayfa was astonished. I wasn't sure about letting her see this since I had to keep many things secret right now but I didn't have much choice. I let her see it anyway.

She demanded an explanation. I said I didn't know much myself but it seemed to be a secret rebel hideout. She was furious with the notion that someone had such a thing here.

I wanted to enter and explained that she could keep an eye on me. She agreed to that, even though she wasn't herself allowed to come in contact with the taint of Lady Kee'ra's battles.

With that, I entered the secret hideout to have a look around. Ultimately it wasn't harmful that Rayfa saw this and it could in fact be helpful.

Friday 2 October 2020

93 ace attorney 6 - the lady kee'ra figure's motivation

Dear Readers,

I talked to Datz about Lady Kee'ra and said Maya was suspected of being the rebel hunter in disguise as her. I asked him if he knew who the figure really was and he didn't know, but whoever it was bushwhacked him and hauled him away to jail. He said she was also framing the gang for different crimes.

I asked him why anyone would go to that kind of trouble and he said that they couldn't arrest someone for their opinion here, but they resort to framing people for things they didn't do. That meant that whoever was taking the disguise was a lickspittle for the Ga'ran regime. He said that with her advanced combat skills, detailed surveillance and clever set ups, she was no amateur in his opinion. I thought about Inga saying he had a trick up his sleeve.

I now knew what Datz was saying. He was saying the regime was using this figure as a tool to control the people down to what they think. I asked why the people didn't protest and he said they didn't have any conclusive evidence. I know just how they felt!

I asked him what they wanted to achieve with the revolution and he said it was to get rid of the DC Act, which turned the kingdom into a corrupt cesspool. I asked how did such a thing come about at all and I finally got my answer.

Datz revealed that the act came about with the assassination of Queen Amara. I flashbacked to Ahlbi talking about it and saying it was Dhurke himself who did it. Datz said Dhurke was framed. He was a lawyer back then and when it happened and the people all turned against lawyers. Arguing against Séance Insights also used to be a thing but it was banned.

This was what they were fighting for. They just wanted a fair and impartial legal system in the kingdom. Datz said the only way to do that was to overthrow the current regime.

With everything said, it was time for him to leave so he said goodbye and left like he did when he left the courtroom. It was beyond time for me to go too so I left and headed back to the bazaar.

Thursday 1 October 2020

92 ace attorney 6 - datz the truth

Dear Readers,

I wanted to know why Datz was at the Inner Sanctum and he said he was only trying to escape from prison. He said the high priest was a fool to be taken in by Dhurke and should've been trying to leave the country like Datz was doing.

As soon as he said this, with his big grin and two thumbs up, 4 huge psyche-locks appeared around him!

I called him out on hiding something. He said he wasn't affected at all by the high priest's death. I presented the flower and pointed out the one he had prepared to grieve for the high priest. With this, one of the locks broke.

He said I was reading too much into it and he hadn't seen any of the others for a while and he was fleeing the rebels anyway. I said he was in contact with them and presented the new prayer flag, saying he was still involved by asking them for food. This shattered the second lock.

He said he was just using them until he got a chance to leave the revolution as he didn't care anymore. I said he still very much cared and presented Dhurke's law book, which had the same mark as the one on his arm band. I said if he cared enough to still be wearing it as a wanted man, he still cared about the rebellion. This shattered the third lock.

He said whatever and that I didn't know anything about him. I said he wore his heart and his beliefs on his sleeve, just like me. I then presented what I believed in, showing him my attorney's badge. I compared this to the will of the dragon, which he always had in him. He asked me if I was willing to risk my life for my beliefs. I said I wasn't, because I wouldn't be much use to my clients dead. I told him to admit he never thought about leaving the Defiant Dragons. He had a different look on his face and said I had the same look in my eyes that Dhurke has, saying I had the will of the dragon in me too. With this the final lock shattered.

Datz was now ready to talk. He said he was planning to take me out if I turned out to be on the side of the royals and beg the queen for my life as he had seen it plenty of times. He really wasn't just peeling apples here. He said he trusted me now and apologised for doubting me.

I asked him what he was doing here and he said he wanted the secret hideout key from a helper. The town was crawling with cops so he was lying low here for a while.

I said I was hoping he'd be able to tell me about the high priest's murder. He apologised and gave me an orb, which opened the door to one of their secret hideouts, which he said was in a really unexpected place. I thanked him and he said not to mention it, saying I was a fellow brother in arms, fighting the powers that be. He offered more information so I chatted with him for a bit longer.