Saturday 17 October 2020

108 ace attorney 6 - logical path to the true murder weapon

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta said there was a big, gaping hole in my claim. He said if it was the case that Beh'leeb killed Puhray, then that would mean his supposed role as Lady Kee'ra would've been dead before Tahrust was murdered. That would mean Tahrust couldn't have been killed by this Lady Kee'ra. This also meant I ran out of suspects!

He told me to give up but I wouldn't! I had to think things through in that dramatic logical style! with the laser heading towards the light! I thought things from the start:

What could tell me something about the crime scene before the murder? Maya's testimony about the blood red stream before the rite!

The spring was already red before Tahrust's murder because of Puhray's blood!

Tahrust already knew about the murder but didn't tell the cops because he wanted to keep the hideout hidden!

He had to go through with the rite because he wanted to set up the scene during it!

He planned to conceal the source of the blood in the spring by using his own blood!

The one who killed the high priest was... Tahrust himself!

There was uproar at the notion of the high priest committing suicide. The judge and Nahyuta questioned my logic seriously, talking about the dagger.

I said Tahrust died by a different weapon and it was the Warbaa'd Statue! At this, Nahyuta hit himself in the face with his own beads when they snapped!

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