Friday 9 October 2020

100 ace attorney 6 - the princess defeated

Dear Readers,

I was ready to make my big dramatic counterargument. I said since the acolyte was killed in a different place at a different time, his body must've been moved and when we saw him praying during the rite, he was already dead.

I then added that the shovelled out snow in the photograph was where the body was placed, which would explain the delayed time of death.

Princess Rayfa yelled "That's enough!" and asked what it all proved. She brought up the fingerprints and the Plumed Punisher theme. I said I was able to invalidate the theme by pointing out the alarm clock in the hideout that also played the theme. She demanded I prove my point and I demanded she prove hers.

Then she said that either way, there was still the matter of the prints. She updated her Insights with the scene of the crime and origin of the theme I asked for, but it still pointed to no one else but Maya as the possible culprit.

I insisted there was another inconsistency. I knew it was the sensation of something HEAVY but I wasn't quite sure what part of the Insight to use it on. It was the simple fact that his hands were on the stone slab. Beforehand, he was thought to have been in prayer, so the revised situation brought about another inconsistency. Where did the heavy feeling come from?

The only thing I could come up with was the stone slab falling on the victim. This sounded implausible, and I was certainly argued on this point, but it was the only option. To follow through, I had to come up with the possibility of the dagger not being the actual murder weapon. I brought up the Inner Sanctum photo and pointed out the warbaa'd statue. I argued the stone slab fell and pushed the victim onto one of the sharp points of the statue while the revolving door was turned the other way. I was able to explain the prints on the dagger as Maya rehearsing with it for the ceremony.

Rayfa looked sad, her belief in the Séance shaken. I told her it wasn't the whole truth itself, but a means for finding the truth and that this kingdom needed lawyers after all so that we could interpret her Insights.

Rayfa seemed really sad now, thinking that all this time she could've been misinterpreting the voices of the spirits. The judge asked was she okay, seeing as the colour drained from her face. She said she will be and to continue without her before she walked away. I did feel bad for her, it was hard not to.

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