Tuesday 20 October 2020

111 ace attorney 6 - my drunk client

Dear Readers,

Now to begin episode 4! It begins with an anime cutscene of an old man eating and counting or something. Then, someone comes up behind him and the next thing we know, he's dead! Some unidentified voices then discuss that "Shisho" was dead and wonder if a certain person did it. They panic and one of them comes up with an idea...

I am Athena Cykes! I waited in the defence lobby for my client but they weren't here yet. 

Someone did arrive and it was... Simon Blackquill! From Ace Attorney 5! He wasn't pleased about me being the only lawyer on this case. I told him Apollo was busy helping Trucy with her magic show and Phoenix was still abroad. Alongside him was my client, a fellow named Bucky Whet and he seemed really drunk.

Simon said being accused of the murder took a toll on poor Bucky. The victim was his master and father figure too. I told him I believed in him and I would defend him to the very end. He seemed grateful but he was three sheets to the wind and disorderly, so he did thank me, but he fell to the ground.

I asked Simon how he knew him and he said he goes to Whet Soba regularly and knew Bucky since he was a lad. He said he wanted to be able to face Bucky's master in the next life, so he came to the Wright Anything Agency to find someone he could trust, but never intended to ask me. 

Insulting jerk... I told Bucky to get up off the floor, as we had a case to win. He did for a moment, but answered a phone call with a ringtone that voiced "Whet Soba" before saying he couldn't as he was at the courthouse. The customer hung up and he blacked out, collapsing on the floor again.

I asked Simon what was meant by three freshes of soba and he gave me a detailed explanation on how the noodles were made.

He also said he couldn't help me, him being a prosecutor and everything. He had some more insulting words which made me vow to show him what I could do!

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