Thursday 29 October 2020

120 ace attorney 6 - ordering sweet buns by carrier hawk!

Dear Readers,

Eventually I had to consult Simon on what to do. It was true that I had to object to the statement about Uendo eating the sweet bun, but I had to brute force an answer until I got to the scrap of paper that said Do Not Disturb on it.

I matched this with the saké bottle since it had the same camel pattern. I argued that Uendo passed out from eating a bun that contained saké. Simon backed me up by saying the buns were made especially to retain as much alcohol as possible. Uendo disagreed to being pinned as being that much of a lightweight, so I asked the judge if I could test my theory, to which he obliged.

I told Simon to buy some of these buns, making sure to get one for me as well. The judge wanted one too! Simon didn't like being treated like an errand boy but he agreed to it. He summoned Taka for the first time in the game and sent him to fetch the buns, demanding payment from all of us.

The judge called for an adjournment until the carrier hawk came back with the goodies. 

I love this! It's fun and kind of puts Simon in his place too!

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