Thursday 1 October 2020

92 ace attorney 6 - datz the truth

Dear Readers,

I wanted to know why Datz was at the Inner Sanctum and he said he was only trying to escape from prison. He said the high priest was a fool to be taken in by Dhurke and should've been trying to leave the country like Datz was doing.

As soon as he said this, with his big grin and two thumbs up, 4 huge psyche-locks appeared around him!

I called him out on hiding something. He said he wasn't affected at all by the high priest's death. I presented the flower and pointed out the one he had prepared to grieve for the high priest. With this, one of the locks broke.

He said I was reading too much into it and he hadn't seen any of the others for a while and he was fleeing the rebels anyway. I said he was in contact with them and presented the new prayer flag, saying he was still involved by asking them for food. This shattered the second lock.

He said he was just using them until he got a chance to leave the revolution as he didn't care anymore. I said he still very much cared and presented Dhurke's law book, which had the same mark as the one on his arm band. I said if he cared enough to still be wearing it as a wanted man, he still cared about the rebellion. This shattered the third lock.

He said whatever and that I didn't know anything about him. I said he wore his heart and his beliefs on his sleeve, just like me. I then presented what I believed in, showing him my attorney's badge. I compared this to the will of the dragon, which he always had in him. He asked me if I was willing to risk my life for my beliefs. I said I wasn't, because I wouldn't be much use to my clients dead. I told him to admit he never thought about leaving the Defiant Dragons. He had a different look on his face and said I had the same look in my eyes that Dhurke has, saying I had the will of the dragon in me too. With this the final lock shattered.

Datz was now ready to talk. He said he was planning to take me out if I turned out to be on the side of the royals and beg the queen for my life as he had seen it plenty of times. He really wasn't just peeling apples here. He said he trusted me now and apologised for doubting me.

I asked him what he was doing here and he said he wanted the secret hideout key from a helper. The town was crawling with cops so he was lying low here for a while.

I said I was hoping he'd be able to tell me about the high priest's murder. He apologised and gave me an orb, which opened the door to one of their secret hideouts, which he said was in a really unexpected place. I thanked him and he said not to mention it, saying I was a fellow brother in arms, fighting the powers that be. He offered more information so I chatted with him for a bit longer.

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