Tuesday 6 October 2020

97 ace attorney 6 - the real name

Dear Readers,

After Princess Rayfa left when her Séance failed, Ema was called to outline the situation. She hesitated and said sorry to me. Nahyuta understood she was friends with Maya and me, but encouraged her to let it go and move on.

Ema hesitated more before saying she couldn't do it, horsing into some Snackoos. Maya told her not to worry about us, that she just do her job and was sure that we'd figure something out eventually. Ema thanked her. Nahyuta commended Maya's bravery and asked Ema to proceed.

When Ema laid it out, Maya and I thought about how there must've been something in the investigation that made the Séance fail. I pressed Ema on a few details of her investigation and she said his personal information didn't match the public records they cross-referenced. I then said maybe the Séance failed because they didn't have his real name. Puhray Zel'lot is a fake name!

I said the royal priestess uses a deceased's face and true name to summon their spirit. Rayfa confirmed this. Since Ema didn't have the real name though, we would have to continue the trial without one. Also, she would have no choice but to use the verdict established in the last case as fact, which was a bummer. She also said he was an illegal immigrant, so they couldn't find out his name. I raised an "Objection!", pointing out the peach tattoo on his neck.

I asked everyone to think about the significance of this, but they thought of dessert instead haha. I pointed out that the clergy got tattoos like these. The judge said he got one on his right buttock haha. Nahyuta told him that was too much information.

Nahyuta identified a name using the criteria of the tattoo, Rheel Neh'mu. I then said we could do the Séance now since we had "Rheel Nah'mu", which was indeed the "real name"! Get it? Haha!

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