Tuesday 13 October 2020

104 ace attorney 6 - untahrustworthy testimony

Dear Readers,

Tahrust had an ironclad alibi and went on to testify.

He said he was entertaining guests at the time when Puhray was murdered. I thought about what Princess Rayfa said about a soul's memories. I turned to consult Maya but saw an empty space, forgetting momentarily that she was channelling Tahrust. Whoops! That was funny!

I thought he was a bit too comfortable using the word "alibi" and pressed him on other details, like who his guests were. He said he was entertaining the judge himself and his family! The judge was pleased that he himself could back up his statements!

I had to decide whether there was anything wrong with Tahrust's testimony. I said there was indeed something wrong and that was the fact that he knew the time of the crime.

The reaction from Tahrust was quite a picture. He literally had an out of body experience when Maya's body flopped onto the stand. His spirit hung in the air and dived back in to her body again.

I asked him how he know the time of the crime and he was in bad shape. He made a distraction by doing a blessing, which the judge enjoyed, but couldn't fool me! I said a prayer couldn't make a contradiction disappear!

Just then, Nahyuta interrupted with one of his chants. He then said this could be explained by Tahrust listening to what was going on at the hideout through the microphone that was there. Tahrust confirmed this and said there was a tape at his home that had what was going on recorded on it!

The judge asked the bailiff to retrieve the tape, giving him a lot of work to do today!

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