Monday 12 October 2020

103 ace attorney 6 - trust in maya

Dear Readers,

The judge said they had official approval from Princess Rayfa to channel a spirit for testimony. He told Maya she could go ahead. The crowd were furious though since only the queen was allowed to do this.

Maya introduced her technique by saying she was studying here for two years in order to master her technique from Kurain, a village of spirit mediums back home from which she hails. She said she'd now show us the fruits of her training in this kingdom. She was confident! Rayfa mocked and goaded her. Maya said if she could pull it off, would Rayfa stop calling her a neophyte and Rayfa agreed with a smirk.

Maya began. She called for the spirit of Tahrust Inmee to return to the world of the living. A dramatic camera effect rose and swooped down on her and with a flash, there stood in her place what looked like the high priest, except he had Maya's hair and clothes!

Tahrust spoke, saying what was this place. Everyone recognised him and they were absolutely gobsmacked. The crowd were quietened but still confused. Rayfa said this couldn't be... she didn't know how this was actually happening but she stepped away before she forgot herself.

The judge and Tahrust spoke to each other. Tahrust wondered if this was the Twilight Realm and if the Holy Mother bestowed upon him gorgeous locks for decades of service. He enjoyed having them, doing a little hair flip. Haha! The judge told him it was Maya who channelled him.

This was an amazing exchange between the judge and the high priest! I laughed quite a bit when I saw Tahrust appear with Maya's features!

Tahrust didn't have all her features though... He took off her top to reveal his own tattooed chest to get a bit more comfort. I hope he puts it back on before he leaves...

He wondered why he was here and the judge said he was accused of murder. He put his leg behind his head and said that was troubling indeed. The judge asked me to explain the situation to him.

I told Tahrust that his disciple had been murdered in the rebel hideout hidden within the Inner Sanctum on the day before the Purification Rite. He was shocked, asking who would do such a thing?

With a slap on my table, I said it was someone who had access to the Inner Sanctum and knew of the hideout, with him fitting that description. I asked wasn't he a rebel himself? He paused and posed. I hoped he wouldn't break anything in Maya's body...

Tahrust admitted to being a rebel, surprised that he had been exposed like that. I asked him why he joined the rebellion? Nahyuta then objected, wanting to ask the most crucial question. He told Tahrust that Maya was being tried for both his and Zeh'lot's murders, and asked him about it.

Tahrust said he was slain by none other than Maya. I asked if he killed Puhray and he said he knew nothing about it and had an alibi. Oh no! Things were working against me!

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