Friday 23 October 2020

114 ace attorney 6 - balloon artist geiru testifies

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta introduced Geiru Toneido, who was going to testify next. She made a dramatic and cheerful entrance with balloon art, and by snapping her suspenders to make her breasts jiggle. The judge was taken in by her "balloons" and I had to ask him to save the fanboying until after the trial. Yikes. I've never seen the judge like this to this degree.

She made a balloon hat and a balloon cake, which looked to me like a monster head. She said she had to smile even though she lost her master and that she got involved with this act to be like her father someday.

The way she holds and waves a narrow balloon to make it wiggle is a bit too amusing!

She testified about being in the hallway with Simon and seeing Bucky and Uendo only. She also mentioned that Jugemu was barking like mad.

Nahyuta asked Simon if he had any objections and he said he didn't before grumpily telling Nahyuta to make up his mind.

Nahyuta didn't ask ME however! I had to jump in and stand up for myself to deal with his insults. Simon smiled, seemingly finding some common ground with him.

I pressed on details, particularly on the point of Jugemu, who was her dog. He was barking because he was hungry, so she went out to feed him. I asked Simon to confirm this and he did, begrudgingly. He complained about having to come to the stand again and again to confirm details. He also said the dog buried leftovers in the yard.

I checked the diagram and saw that the door blocked the view when it was wide open, which contradicted her statement about being able to see in at the dressing room door. I raised an "Objection!" and pointed out the way the door opened.

Geiru sweated and squeezed a big round red balloon, giving a striking visual of the pressure she was feeling right now.

I argued since Simon didn't see the dressing room door either, someone else could have gone in there.

I asked Geiru why she hid the fact she couldn't see the door and Nahyuta jumped in, saying I was trying to cast suspicion on her. He said she was grieving and made a mistake and everyone thought I was wrong for doing it. He made me feel real small and alone... what an awful bully he is.

I stood firm though and said as long as there was a moment no one was watching the door, we couldn't carry out a conviction solely on these testimonies.

Nahyuta then decided to push a little, announcing that he had conclusive evidence. He showed a photo of the crime scene, where it was apparent that the victim spelled out "Whet no. 4" which refers to Bucky. This did shake me a little.

Nahyuta then put the pressure on me again to give up, calling on the crowd who agreed with him. Even I didn't expect him to do something as low and dirty as this. This did make some thoughts run through my head.

Suddenly, someone yelled "Silence!" and it was Simon! He was standing by my side as well! He said Nahyuta was trying to manipulate the trial, saying it was a cheap trick for a supposedly holy man. Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about! To heck with Nahyuta!

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