Monday 5 October 2020

96 ace attorney 6 - the third séance

Dear Readers,

I waited in the accused lobby with Maya, who seemed exhausted. She officially asked me to defend her and I said yeah let's do this! Let's finish this and get home so we could make her dream show come true!

Princess Rayfa approached us. She said I looked like I didn't sleep and asked how I could put up a respectable defence like this. I said I was fired up and ready to go! She didn't seem in good spirits herself and expressed her commitment before heading off.

The court session began shortly afterward. Nahyuta didn't have any prayers this time for us since we were already found guilty in the last case, and he already prayed for the victim, so he went straight to business. He said Maya was going to a hell far worse than the one of tickling and he said a few words in his own language that made the judge wince in fear. I didn't feel good about asking for a translation.

Nahyuta laid out the scene for the judge, calling Maya a serial killer now. When I was allowed to respond I insisted that Maya was innocent and nothing could convince me otherwise. Nahyuta calmly brought up Maya's fingerprints, saying that was damning enough.

The judge banged his gavel and said it was time to move on to the Séance. Nahyuta wanted to say something about the Séance but he was interrupted with a "That's enough!" from Princess Rayfa!

Nahyuta apologised for overstepping his bounds. I wondered what that was about. Rayfa was all fired up and ready to defeat me. I said I accepted her challenge. She carried out her ritual with the same effort she always made and...


No Séance, no image at all. What happened? The judge said maybe she was tired from her duties and she insisted angrily she wasn't.

Nahyuta then said he could carry on prosecuting without it.

I slapped my table, saying we should try and find out why the Séance failed. This surprised Rayfa, who said it was for shedding light on an accused's crimes. She and the judge asked why I was so interested in the Séance now. I said it was like evidence, to be assessed so that we could find the truth. Rayfa angrily said it was to be feared, not to be used by lawyers! She stormed off, saying I hadn't seen the last of her!

This court is so primitive and childish. I was really counting on the Séance for answers...

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