Saturday 3 October 2020

94 ace attorney 6 - finding the secret hideout

Dear Readers,

After Datz left I returned to the bazaar where Ahlbi greeted me, saying how worried he was. Shah'do whined. I asked what happened to him and Ahlbi said he came out about five minutes after I went in.

Princess Rayfa asked me if I found anything of worth. I said I tripped and fell out cold for a while, thinking I should keep things to myself for now. She haughtily said she figured as much. I now had to look for this secret hideout.

Now that I wasn't chasing anyone, I was able to look around with commentary from Rayfa. It was funny when the yak licked her, and there was more fun when she wouldn't admit her tummy was rumbling. The warbaa'd making a lion roar was pretty cool too. It wasn't so cool or funny when Rayfa said I would pay for her fruit. The nerve of her!

I looked around the other areas too, where I found bits and pieces of extra dialogue with Rayfa back to following me around. The next place I had to go was the Inner Sanctum.

At the Inner Sanctum I had to rotate the camera around to interact with the warbaa'd statue more closely. I found a groove where its eye was supposed to be and thought for a moment before using the orb I got from Datz in the eye socket.

This caused the wall behind the statue to open sideways like a door. Rayfa was astonished. I wasn't sure about letting her see this since I had to keep many things secret right now but I didn't have much choice. I let her see it anyway.

She demanded an explanation. I said I didn't know much myself but it seemed to be a secret rebel hideout. She was furious with the notion that someone had such a thing here.

I wanted to enter and explained that she could keep an eye on me. She agreed to that, even though she wasn't herself allowed to come in contact with the taint of Lady Kee'ra's battles.

With that, I entered the secret hideout to have a look around. Ultimately it wasn't harmful that Rayfa saw this and it could in fact be helpful.

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