Wednesday 21 October 2020

112 ace attorney 6 - court begins with insults from everywhere

Dear Readers,

Bucky's trial started. I was ready and so was... Nahyuta. He came all the way back to take on this case! He said Edgeworth called for him to come back especially for this case. He had some insults for me too, calling me callow and shrill.

I was determined to show them all what I could do!

Nahyuta outlined the situation, which took place at Kurukuru Tei, a storyteller's theatre. The victim's name was Taifu Toneido. A diagram of the area was submitted. The autopsy report as well, which said the victim died of suffocation, but there was nothing found in his lungs or stomach and there was no murder weapon. The cause of suffocation was yet to be established as well.

I asked Nahyuta how he could accuse Bucky when he didn't know how the victim was killed or even with what. He answered that Bucky was the only one who had the opportunity.

The judge asked Bucky to plead his case but he wasn't there. I had to apologise on behalf of him and tell the judge Bucky was in the infirmary. Already not going well...

Nahyuta continued, saying the victim asked the accused to the theatre. Taifu was making soba in his dressing room at the time of the murder. He then said Bucky had a motive. He was supposed to inherit the shop when he lost his father, but it was believed that Taifu stole the deed and put it in his safe. He said he believed Bucky killed Taifu in order to get the deed back.

I was only learning these facts now! Simon kinda threw me into the deep end here when he asked me to defend Bucky. Nahyuta copped this and called me a putrid egg yolk for coming in unprepared! WOW. From "spring chick" to this...

Nahyuta then presented a witness, someone who was there when the victim's body was found. The witness was... Simon! What's going on!?

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