Friday 2 October 2020

93 ace attorney 6 - the lady kee'ra figure's motivation

Dear Readers,

I talked to Datz about Lady Kee'ra and said Maya was suspected of being the rebel hunter in disguise as her. I asked him if he knew who the figure really was and he didn't know, but whoever it was bushwhacked him and hauled him away to jail. He said she was also framing the gang for different crimes.

I asked him why anyone would go to that kind of trouble and he said that they couldn't arrest someone for their opinion here, but they resort to framing people for things they didn't do. That meant that whoever was taking the disguise was a lickspittle for the Ga'ran regime. He said that with her advanced combat skills, detailed surveillance and clever set ups, she was no amateur in his opinion. I thought about Inga saying he had a trick up his sleeve.

I now knew what Datz was saying. He was saying the regime was using this figure as a tool to control the people down to what they think. I asked why the people didn't protest and he said they didn't have any conclusive evidence. I know just how they felt!

I asked him what they wanted to achieve with the revolution and he said it was to get rid of the DC Act, which turned the kingdom into a corrupt cesspool. I asked how did such a thing come about at all and I finally got my answer.

Datz revealed that the act came about with the assassination of Queen Amara. I flashbacked to Ahlbi talking about it and saying it was Dhurke himself who did it. Datz said Dhurke was framed. He was a lawyer back then and when it happened and the people all turned against lawyers. Arguing against Séance Insights also used to be a thing but it was banned.

This was what they were fighting for. They just wanted a fair and impartial legal system in the kingdom. Datz said the only way to do that was to overthrow the current regime.

With everything said, it was time for him to leave so he said goodbye and left like he did when he left the courtroom. It was beyond time for me to go too so I left and headed back to the bazaar.

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