Saturday 24 October 2020

115 ace attorney 6 - uendo testifies

Dear Readers,

The judge asked Simon why he was at my bench. He said he got bored of watching from the gallery, and he would be cross if he lost his favourite soba shop. 

Nahyuta, in his typical manner, said Simon was going to the side of impurity and sin, telling Simon he would be reborn as a panda with inverted colours. JERK!

Simon chastised me for almost falling to Nahyuta's cheap parlour tricks. I said I was about to get serious!

Geiru was dismissed and Nahyuta announced yet another witness, one to testify about the cards, Uendo Toneido.

Uendo came to the stand and introduced himself theatrically before leaving. I had to call him back. He signed his autograph on a fan and tossed it at me in a dramatic 3D effect.

He testified, jumping between different characters and puns. He was pretty charming, but also kind of unsettling. I liked when he tried to make a pun based on the word "stiff" but it fell flat on me, making him sad. 

I had absolutely no idea where to come in with my "Objection!" and it took me ages until I had to consult Simon. Then I reloaded and used the autopsy report on the statement about the master drowning in soba broth.

Uendo had a sweaty spit take reaction. Of course, nothing was found in the lungs so the master couldn't have drowned from soba broth. The judge asked when his face was thrust into the bowl and I said it must've been after the murder.

Nahyuta argued this indicated Bucky's feelings towards the master. Simon yelled "Silence!" a few times as they went over and back, as my comebacks weren't satisfying enough for him.

Simon demanded more detail of the cards to be provided and Nahyuta actually had a clearer photograph of them, what they spelled out and how they were stained. Simon spotted something was up straight away and laughed at Nahyuta's conclusive evidence.

I didn't spot it as quickly as he did, but I did notice that the cards must've been rearranged based on the stain patterns not matching. I brought this up and it was clear someone tried to pin the crime on Bucky. Nahyuta clutched at his beads in frustration, which was satisfying! Gonna expose your phoniness, you jerk...

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