Sunday 18 October 2020

109 ace attorney 6 - something we can finally believe in

Dear Readers,

The judge confirmed that I was claiming that the warbaa'd statue claimed both lives of Tahrust and Puhray. Nahyuta screamed angrily when I did. Even Tahrust was ready to call me a liar when a "Hold it!" came from somewhere.

It was Beh'leeb! She asked her husband didn't he think this was going on long enough? He continued sweating, insisting to the judge that she knew nothing! The judge shook his head and told him to let his wife speak.

Beh'leeb said it was that time when her husband usually said prayers and played the alarm chime she set on her watch, which was the Steel Samurai theme. She said she did the same, so she set this alarm as a reminder every day. She then said she herself was the one who slew Puhray.

Tahrust held his head in his hands and screamed in despair, collapsing to the ground. The judge asked for a physician, even though it was Maya who was channelling him.

I asked Beh'leeb to tell us what she knew. She revealed that she was a rebel as well. She went to the hideout to prepare for Datz's escape but encountered Puhray, who was investigating. She further revealed that Puhray was Lady Kee'ra and that he was a member of the secret police, serving directly under the minister of justice. This was the trick up his sleeve.

Poor Princess Rayfa was shocked on learning all this. The crowd were too, hearing that Puhray could carry out state-sanctioned murder.

Beh'leeb continued, saying Puhray went for her but she pushed the slab with all her might which lead to his death.

Tahrust came back and said he'd take it from here. He said he covered Puhray's body with snow and took it to the Plaza of Devotion to place it in prayer pose and planted the dagger before anyone else arrived to pray, knowing no one would notice.

I asked him if he was admitting he tried to pin the crime on Maya. He said he was and that he never told his wife about it. I asked him how he got Maya's prints on the dagger and he told me how he got her to practise the rite and drugged her into a sleep just before the rite. Then he put the robes over the statue before ending his own life in order to pin the crime on her.

The judge asked about how the robes ended up on the ground and Tahrust said he threw them there with the last ounce of his strength.

Nahyuta said Tahrust didn't need to do all that to get Maya accused of murder. I said because of the DC Act, which I had to use Dhurke's Law Book to bring it up, would prevent him from doing that because a lawyer would be needed to prove circumstantial evidence of self-defence.

Nahyuta, supposedly so enlightened in everything, couldn't see why Tahrust had to commit suicide. I mentioned the Séance, which was so important in this country's legal system, and explained Tahrust had to frame the whole thing to make it look like Maya was the culprit.

Rayfa confronted him with this falsifying of evidence and he asked for forgiveness but this was the only way he could help his wife.

I said if he approached me first, I could have proved the murder was in self-defence. He said perhaps, but he still had little faith in lawyers despite being a rebel. Nahyuta slammed his fist, saying there must've been other ways to cover up the crime. He said his wife would rush to defend him and in turn suffer the same fate under the DC Act.

Rayfa was affected deeply by what had been going on in her kingdom for such a long time and the part she played in it.

Tahrust asked me to show the might of my legal prowess and prevent another innocent soul to be charged under this despicable law! I said I'd do what I could. He said it was unforgivable, but he could only offer his humblest of apologies. He then asked the judge to look after his wife and asked Rayfa to use the Magatama of Parting as he had to return to the Twilight Realm. Beh'leeb asked her to give her the honour of doing it.

Tahrust put back on Maya's upper body clothes thankfully, and had some parting words with his wife. She said was so glad to see him one last time and thanked him for everything. He said he was sorry to leave her like this. She said he could watch over her from the world beyond and she would think of him with every breath.

In a dramatic 3D cut scene, she used the Magatama of Parting and his spirit left Maya's body. A bright flash happened, Beh'leeb shed some tears as she said farewell to her darling Tahrust and that was it.

A smiling Maya announced that the high priest had returned to the Twilight Realm.

She said she felt great, which must've meant things went well. She asked about the trial and I said it was a sad reality born of love and a great tragedy born of the DC Act.

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