Thursday 15 October 2020

106 ace attorney 6 - pointing out who was in disguise as lady kee'ra

Dear Readers,

Tahrust backlashed with his glowing magatama and a KAAA! when I suggested it was his wife Beh'leeb who took the disguise as Lady Kee'ra, killing both him and Puhray. The judge had never seen him so angry.

Nahyuta said Maya was already found guilty of Tahrust's murder and the judge told me to apologise. I refused, saying Lady Kee'ra's identity was a major piece to this trial's puzzle. I told Tahrust to admit it.

With a "Hold it!" he reminded me that his wife was pregnant. I desperately tried to argue that Maya wouldn't have had the strength to battle rebels either. Nahyuta then chanted angrily at me. Both he and Tahrust teamed up and explained that Maya could've channelled the original Lady Kee'ra. Tahrust even testified on this point.

I had to prove she didn't. It wasn't easy, as to doubt anything involving Lady Kee'ra was to doubt the religion itself.

I was stuck! Many things didn't seem right but on consulting, the point I had to argue against was the one about Maya knowing Lady Kee'ra's true name and I had to use the Tome of Secrets. I then had to point out the face, which was hidden behind a mask in the Tome of Secrets. Without knowing her real face, Maya could not have channelled her!

This left the judge to ask me who was the actual person disguised as Lady Kee'ra. Nahyuta was keen to listen to my deduction as well. I had no idea! But I had to consider deductions, eliminations. Nothing really worked, so I guessed and got it right with Puhray, even though it didn't make sense because wasn't he killed before Tahrust? I continued anyway...

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