Tuesday 27 October 2020

118 ace attorney 6 - bucky speaks up

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta then asked me if it was the defence's claim that Uendo is the true murderer in this case. I said we had to at least consider him a suspect. At this he went "Hold it!"

He said he did tamper with the scene, but he did not kill Taifu. I asked him why he did the tampering. He refused to answer me and Nahyuta supported him, highlighting the lack of a motive.

Nahyuta also brought up something I didn't know: Bucky went into the dressing room before 4PM. I was shocked. He said he didn't think to mention it. Yeah right...

We went over and back about the possibility of Bucky carrying out the murder before 4PM when all of a sudden there was a "Hold it!" from Bucky himself! He woke up!

He said Taifu ordered uncooked noodles. When he delivered them, Taifu seemed to ignore him and just recited rakugo lines, which was why Bucky got mad and went back to his shop. After this, he started feeling sick again and left.

This explained why he was like this! Unfortunately, the judge could only accept the possibility that the time of death was between 2 and 4PM.

We then brought up that we still had to consider Owen. Uendo was hesitant and Nahyuta encouraged this, but Simon's persuasiveness in bringing up perjury intimidated him into testifying about Owen.

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