Saturday 31 October 2020

1 magical cat academy 2 - halloween google doodle 2020

Dear Readers,

Today I played this charming game starring a cat with a magic wand underwater, trying to fend off ghosts and fish.

I had to play using the mouse and drawing the indicated lines, much like a Nintendo DS game. It was easy and it got challenging with a few bosses.

The straight lines were easy, the arrow lines more challenging and the spirally Dreamcast logo lines were a bit tougher, as they didn't always register as spirals. The colour always indicated if it would work or not though.

In the second level, the schools of fish were pretty cool. I had a lightning bolt to draw now too.

In the third level, this big ghost was pretty creepy the way it rushed at me and then came at me slowly with lots of lines to draw too. I managed it handily though.

In the fifth level inside the sunken ship, there was a light that was dimming and I had to make out the shapes I had to draw. Then it turned out the light belonged to a huge creepy angler fish boss! I had to draw a lot of lines for that creature and it got pretty close and creepy!

In the sixth and last level, there was a huge ghost that sucked me in to an undersea volcano and it was pretty tough. I lost a lot of health and just barely beat it. When I did, I was able to escape and go back to my friends. Hooray!

My final score was 90,555. You can score more by sussing combos and stuff.

There was also a link to the first game starring the cat. I do remember it from a different Halloween Google Doodle.

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