Sunday 25 October 2020

116 ace attorney 6 - pinpointing uendo's emotions

Dear Readers,

I now had a different sort of challenge: matching the cards with the stains they got when the broth spilled over them. When I had finished with a "Take that!" the words spelled out changed from "WHET NO 4" to "OWEN 4TH".

This turned things in my favour! That was until I was challenged on what it meant. Nahyuta jumped on this opportunity to insult me of course, but Simon silenced him by bringing up the fact that someone deliberately rearranged the cards to pin the blame on Bucky. That all by itself proved Bucky wasn't the real culprit.

Simon demanded to know what Uendo was doing in there but Nahyuta advised him to be quiet, so he tried. However, Simon, with his power of suggestion, got the talkative Uendo to be his regular self. Simon had the ability to appeal to the audience too, which was very convincing for Uendo, so he went on to testify again.

He said he called to the master from outside the room but there was no reply. When he went in, his master was slumped over.

There was nothing wrong with this, but I did notice some faint discord in his heart. I carried out a special therapy session. Nahyuta objected to it but Uendo insisted speaking his mind. The judge allowed it. Always nice to get one over on Nahyuta!

I read that Uendo was happy to go see his master and sad to see him slumped over. Nothing was wrong with what he was feeling, but what he wasn't feeling was what I had to pinpoint. He wasn't feeling surprised or shocked and I pinpointed that. When I asked him about it, he got all jokey and punny with his answers, which were funny alright, but was he trying to distract?

When I told him I thought he may have already known that his master was dead, he did a spit take and said he just remembered he thought his master was sleeping. He also brought up a note, which Nahyuta then revealed. It said "Resting. Do not disturb." and it was supposedly written by Taifu himself.

Uendo updated his testimony to include the new facts, but this revealed another unexpected emotion. Anger. I pinpointed this with a "Got it!" and he said he stubbed his toe.

Nahyuta objected to this apparent irrelevance, but I insisted going on, saying the slightest thing could bring us to the truth.

I was asked what it could've been that Uendo stubbed his toe on and I thought maybe the table at first, but then I noticed this trail that wiped some of the flour off the floor. It led to the TV, which led me to suggest that the TV was originally by the door, which was what made Uendo stub his toe.

He admitted this was true straight away! The noise level in him went down some more. Just 10% left!

He said he moved the TV so he wouldn't stub his toe again and that his performance onstage could be viewed on it.

I didn't know what else to find even though I still detected noise in him, so Simon asked him did he bump into the table as he was moving the TV. He said he did, and it stirred Taifu's body, which made him notice he was dead.

With his updated testimony, the intensity of his surprise/shock emotion was pretty high, so I pinpointed that. When I confronted him on his bigger surprise, he wouldn't admit anything. Then Simon confronted him and suddenly, the noise level in him went to 100% again! Yikes!

This called for a slightly different approach. I had to probe into what was causing the emotional distress and call him out on it. I pointed out the cards with the message. Suddenly, his noise went all the way down to 0%! Getting somewhere now!

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