Monday 26 October 2020

117 ace attorney 6 - uendo's tampering

Dear Readers,

Everything to do with Uendo's emotions pointed to him knowing the meaning behind the "OWEN 4TH" message. Nahyuta kicked up his usual stink over this but I continued anyway, explaining that Uendo had multiple personalities, and with so many different personas he uses in his acting, he had dissociative identity disorder.

Nahyuta found this laughable but Uendo himself admitted to this. So he wasn't just acting, he actually had different personalities? The judge asked him to introduce all of them.

With every character, each one had a different name! There was Uendo of course, then Patches, the friendly jester that did the jokey fan waving thing and finally Kisegawa the Courtesan, who pointed and did a smoking gesture with the fan.

Nahyuta said all this did was invade Uendo's privacy and I disagreed, pointing out the cards, saying Owen could've been a 4th personality.

This led to an over and back between us and Nahyuta, who said Uendo had an alibi. Uendo went on to testify about this alibi where he bombed on stage, but he was still on stage. Nahyuta tried to get me to give up and he even threw his beads at me! I wouldn't budge though, so he tried again and Simon deflected them this time.

Whew! Now to cross examine this. I had to press him on his statements until the subject became about his performance on the "Tokisoba" or "Time Soba". Nahyuta went into huge detail about it and I understood it as a story about a man trying to cheat his way out of paying the full amount for his noodles.

This contradicted with the invitation's programme of events and i raised an "Objection!"

Taifu was the one who was supposed to perform the ritual that Uendo performed. I asked him why and he said he did it as a prank, though he had a lot of trouble saying it.

I said he might've been trying to deceive us about either

  • The cause of the victim's death
  • The time of the victim's death
  • What the victim was to perform
I had no idea which one to pick so I brute forced it until I got the right answer, which was the second one. Uendo deceived, and he used the TV as a prop to carry out his deception. He wanted to make it seem like Taifu was still alive and rehearsing. He even performed badly on purpose so laughter wouldn't be heard from the TV.

I argued all of this created the possibility that Uendo could've killed Taifu much earlier than when he was found.

We demanded an explanation from Uendo and he finally admitted something: He tampered with the crime scene. The gallery started chattering.

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