Sunday 4 October 2020

95 ace attorney 6 - investigating the hideout and wrapping up for the day

Dear Readers,

I investigated the secret hideout while Princess Rayfa kept an eye on me from outside, still having plenty to say. She said this place provided a source for the spring water. She also gave out to me for taking photographs of the place.

The first thing I noticed were all the weapons here. Rayfa actually praised me for finding them! Stunning!

Next I looked at the slabs shaped like Magatamas. They were covered in moss. One of them had a loose slab and they both had the source of water flowing underneath them.

She's very silly. When I found the chain that opens the door from the inside she told me to close the door and break the mechanism and she'd visit me once a year. Very silly indeed.

Another silly observation from her about the Plumed Punisher calendar where she tried to connect the rebels to the show. She also said "ever hour" instead of "every  hour" about the clock, revealing another language mistake. Still not as many in this game as the last game though.

I noticed some writing on the wall and Rayfa translated, saying it was from Dhurke to Datz. It was an order to infiltrate the palace after the rite under the guise of returning Lady Kee'ra's costume and to search for clues about the incident from twenty-three years ago. This probably can't happen now because of the murder.

I noticed a bloodstain under the shorter mossy magatama and remembered the luminol testing fluid Ema gave me. I put on the red glasses and found a big smeared stain at the entrance.

I checked the Defiant Dragon symbol and found a microphone behind it, which was strange.

Just then, Ema showed up. Rayfa was able to cover for me being here before the police. As for me, it was time to go back to Tehm'pul Temple and go over everything I'd found to this point.

Ahlbi welcomed me back but I had sad news that I didn't find anything conclusive. Rayfa wondered why I didn't commit any misdeeds during my investigation. She expected me to, since that's what her mother told her lawyers did.

Just then, her attendant told her Nahyuta was looking for her to do a Séance before the trial for him, which was customary here. She said her Insights tomorrow would finally bring me to my knees.

I said I was looking forward to seeing her in court, even though I wasn't, but then again, maybe I could find some new information in her Séance that could help. After all, it's another piece of evidence.

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