Friday 16 October 2020

107 ace attorney 6 - the fan trade maya made

Dear Readers,

I boldly declared that Puhray Zeh'lot had been posing as the rebel-hunting Lady Kee'ra.

There was uproar. I was told to prove it, not just use a process of elimination. I chose the warning letter and argued for the possibility since Puhray also lived with Tahrust.

The judge said that would overturn the entire premise of the case if Lady Kee'ra turned out to be the victim.

That would mean the only suspect left was Beh'leeb. I said what if Mrs. Inmee was a rebel? Going over the facts, including the alarm clock in the hideout, it was looking increasingly plausible. 

Tahrust then started laughing on the topic of the alarm clock. He said they kept the alarm switched off because it would give away the hideout otherwise. Oooh! Tricky move! He was channelled after we talked about the Plumed Punisher theme going off.

It was suddenly looking very bad for my case and the judge was about to go ahead with the verdict again. That was until Tahrust mentioned the distinctive taiko drums in the intro to the theme. Aha!

He was about to say a word to his wife before leaving when I butted in with a very big "O-B-J-E-C-T-I-O-N-!"

I brought up the Plumed Punisher strap and played the tune. No taiko drums! I then said Puhray heard the Steel Samurai theme in his final moments!

The judge asked me who the Steel Samurai was and I enlightened him. I then said the themes were similar and you could confuse the two if you didn't know who the Steel Samurai was. I explained further that Maya got the strap in a trade with a fan and she gave them something that played the Steel Samurai theme. I said this fan was Beh'leeb.

Nahyuta objected and told me to give evidence to back this claim up. All 5 of my chances lit up! This was the big one! I noticed Beh'leeb was wearing the Steel Samurai watch in the family photo and brought that up and pointed it out! 

Tahrust was now in a sweaty state of desperation. He insisted his wife never had such a watch!

Nahyuta halted him and chanted angrily, saying there was a big hole in my claim. What was up his sleeve? 

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