Saturday 10 October 2020

101 ace attorney 6 - how the victim died and moved

Dear Readers,

With Princess Rafa's Insights corrected, the judge asked me to continue with my explanation on how the victim actually died.

I said that since the victim was killed in the hideout before the high priest's murder, the body was moved to the Plaza of Devotion by the real killer but only after planting the Warbaa'd Dagger to make it look like the murder weapon.

The judge asked why would anyone go to such lengths. I had three choices:

  • A warning from the Twilight Realm
  • A crime committed for fun
  • To make it look like a serial murder
I chose the last one of course. The other two were a bit too crazy. This third one shone a light on the fact that Maya was innocent of both of her assumed murders.

Nahyuta interrupted and chanted angrily before saying I had yet to overturn his argument. He brought up the possibility that Maya could've been in the hideout and pushed the stone slab herself. Then she silenced the high priest and moved the acolyte's body to the middle of the plaza as a warning. The judge seemed to be on board with this. Nahyuta smirked and readjusted his insults for me.

I mulled over the facts in my head. I tried to think of someone who was involved with the rite and was suspected of being a rebel, since only they would have access to the Inner Sanctum and have knowledge of the hideout.

Then it hit me. I had one of those eureka screams. I said there was another suspect but at the same time I was thinking there was a huge problem with this.

The only one I could think of was the high priest! It wasn't the wrong answer, since the story kept going, but where is it going? Nahyuta was furious with me for suspecting the dead since they couldn't testify. It was then that I started looking towards Maya...

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