Wednesday 7 October 2020

98 ace attorney 6 - séance of a man in prayer

Dear Readers,

With the real name now known, it was time for Princess Rayfa to carry out another attempt at the Divination Séance.

Before she started, she asked me why a lawyer would work so hard to see it carried out, still thinking it would guarantee my demise. She said I was being a fool and that I would get no gratitude from her. Whatever.

She carried out her Dance of Devotion again in full. Nice of the game to offer the skip option but I let it play out fully. This time it worked!

As expected, the image was of the ground as the victim was kneeling. However, there were several sensations going on that were worth looking at.

The judge said I was right! I wasn't in a good mood though, because the image was of the ground. Nahyuta then said he found more conclusive evidence here for his case, the Plumed Punisher music that was heard. He drew attention to the one-of-a-kind strap that Maya had which could play the theme and he surmised must've went off during the murder. The crowd agreed, the judge agreed and was ready to bring things to an end right there.

However, I piped up and said to slow down, as the Séance needed to be interpreted. Rayfa was displeased with my refusal to admit defeat, but she carried on to give her Insights.

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