Monday 19 October 2020

110 ace attorney 6 - wrapping up the third episode!

Dear Readers,

Now that the whole truth was revealed and Tahrust returned to the Twilight Realm, the judge was now ready to wrap things up. He asked Nahyuta if the prosecution had anything left to say.

Nahyuta said he owed a debt to me that he would pay back in court someday.

The judge also was ready to overturn the verdict of yesterday's trial. He declared Maya and me, on all charges, not guilty!

With this, butterflies from the pool swirled around the courtroom before leaving through the skylight, just like with Ahlbi's trial.

Afterwards, Maya and I were in the accused lobby, discussing everything that happened. I asked Princess Rayfa how she was and she was of course furious. She said I desecrated her parents' teachings and called me a soulless infidel! She was dealing with this heavy truth and questioned whether she was worth or not of hearing the voices of the mitamah.

Maya disagreed. She said the princess was needed for her own abilities and that the people believed in her too.

Maya's gentle and kind expressions are really nice. It's amazing what she's become.

I told Rayfa that Maya was right. The trial really needed her Insights as evidence and it didn't matter if they weren't accurate, as they helped to assure that justice was served. I further said her Insights weren't the problem, it was the legal system in her country.

Maya told Rayfa that as crown princess, she was destined to rule the kingdom someday and that she had to determine what would keep her people happy as well as what was true and what was false and what role she had to play therein. Rayfa wondered if she was up to the task and Maya said she was more than capable.

Just then, there was an explosion. Beh'leeb approached us and apologised to us. She painted a symbol on her forehead using her lipstick, saying she had to continue what her husband did to make amends and see the revolution through.

Datz showed up too with his big grin and thumbs up, greeting me cheerfully! He said he wished he had time to chat. Then he called to Dhurke, saying everything was ready.

Dhurke then appeared briefly before the three of them left with bailiffs chasing after them.

I thought about the legal revolution that was gonna happen here when Maya interrupted me with her new idea: "The Steel Samurai vs. The Rebel Dhurke"! She said it would be awesome and if the Plumed Punisher was there too, everyone would go nuts over it!

I still couldn't understand her interest in those shows.

And that was that! Episode finished! A new episode opened up, "Turnabout Storyteller"

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