Wednesday 9 June 2021

11 attack of the friday monsters! a tokyo tale - talking to the black shirt man about monsters

Dear Readers,

I left Ramen and the two bad kids and headed to the number 10 spot on the map where I met Black Shirt Man.

I greeted him and asked his name. He put his hands on his knees and said it wasn't of great significance but he knew that I had moved here recently with my family. I asked him how he knew and he said it's because we're neighbours!

We walked over to the viewing spot on Monster Hill. He talked about the footprints all over the city. I asked him if he didn't like monsters and he said he loved them. In fact, so much that he wanted to become a Professor of Monsterology.

I thought he must know about monster voices, so I asked him about the monster's voice in the well just below this hill. He didn't know about it but said it must be reverberation. He explained the idea to me and said any sound you put in there would sound like a monster on the other end. That's how they made the sound for the monsters on TV.

I asked him how he knew so much about monsters and he said he loved heroes and monsters so much he was studying to become a true Monsterologist... ever since that fateful day, 10 years ago. This started Episode 12: "Mysterious Man, Mysterious Dream!"

He didn't say any more about what happened 10 years ago, even though I was curious, but he said he'd talk to me more about monsters later, since we were neighbours after all.

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