Saturday 5 June 2021

7 attack of the friday monsters! a tokyo tale - ramen shows me monster hill

Dear Readers,

While catching up with Ramen, I found enough Botanical Beast glims to obtain a second Pailar card. I told him it was mean to leave me without showing me where to go and he said "Sorry with a capital S!"

Ramen took me to Monster Hill, where we had a view of the whole town. He said the farm and river area ahead of us was where the monsters appeared and fought on Fridays. They called it the Riverbed of Battle. This was like having front row seats for watching the fight and the river was called Tamagawa River. The smokestacks in the distance were in the next city over.

Ramen pointed out some more stuff out to me when in the foreground, a boy jumped out of a tree and ran offscreen. Ramen said it was probably a tanuki. With that the tour was complete and more glims rained from the sky! Ramen then remembered something called the "Mystery Zone" and ran off.

Asteroid Alien and Glacial Giant were new glims I collected and I completed my Primeval Plesiosaur glims to obtain a Progenodon card. This was a cool looking monster that breathed fire and held a broken plane in its hand. Quite fearsome looking. It says its brain was in its tail which is kinda bizarre.

I followed where Ramen ran off to.

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