Friday 25 June 2021

27 attack of the friday monsters! a tokyo tale - kids combined versus frankasaurus!

Dear Readers,

I talked to Frank again and he observed his monster's ability to learn its opponents moves. I asked if he learned our Earth moves and cast the spell on him! He made a dramatic fall and got back up. He said it was all due to the replicator chip. This kicked off and completed episode 24: "A Crack in the Armor"

I returned to Monster Hill and this time, Akebi's dad came up as well, telling Megami-chan they were heading to the hospital... it turns out that the plane that went down hit some people and they had to get checked out. Akebi apologised for not believing her dad and we all hung our heads when he left. Seemed like another moment of people understanding each other and sorting a problem they had earlier.

I collected more glims and suddenly, Cleaner Man stopped fighting to lay on the ground. It turned out that in his ultimate form he could only hold for a moment, the time it takes for noodles to cook, since Earth's oxygen was lower than the levels on his planet. We started cheering for him and weirdly, Frankasaurus cheered too, as if it was copying our cheering.

I then got an idea: We should all cast a spell on the Frankasaurus! I explained about the replicator chip and they all copped it! Akebi said I hit the jackpot with the idea! We just had to find someone who was everyone's servant. There wasn't anybody who was everybody's servant, as much as A Plus wanted to be.

Suddenly Nanafushi showed up and volunteered to be the target of the spell! I picked him and he said he hadn't played against anyone else besides me yet, so he was everyone else's servant too, by default!

A Plus asked him if he was okay with it and he said he was, as he was going to start playing Monster Cards with us when this was all over. Yay!

We kids all got together and cast the spell on him, making him take a tumble, which made the Frankasaurus take a very dramatic tumble into the mud, dirtying all the clothes we had hanging out in the process!

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