Saturday 26 June 2021

28 attack of the friday monsters! a tokyo tale - friday story ends, weekend begins!

Dear Readers,

Frankasaurus lay wriggling on the ground, fallen but not yet defeated. Just then, Cleaner Man got back up! He took one look at the mud the monster got on the washing and cried out in anger! He marched over to the monster who was getting back up and unleashed his special punch on it, causing it to shrink and vanish, probably into glims!

Then the UFO started coming after him. Cleaner Man shot his Steam Beam at it, sending it back out into space! Poor Frank wasn't happy, but we kind of knew he was a nice guy underneath it all.

Cleaner Man then vanished.

All us kids chatted after the experience. Akebi wanted to be best friends so we could split homework and she joked about giving me a huge load of hers to do! A Plus found his confidence, though he still found the whole thing a bit scary. S-chan asked if she could come over to my place and play sometime and I said yes! Billboard was just amazed over the monsters. Nanafushi was determined to become friends with every kid in the city now. Ramen thanked me for asking Nanafushi to the hill and was now hungry.

Emily came up! She said she had never seen Monster Hill from here before. Wow... she must've been crazy busy with work all this time. She got an idea to start selling snacks here on Fridays! A very good idea!

Megami-chan got a new idea for a huge hero show and it was gonna be great :)

Mom said she'd fallen in love with Dad all over again and said he was so cool! I didn't cop that he was Cleaner Man :)

Emily was sad her clothes had mud on them and then I remembered her laundry. She then looked at the sunset over the horizon and observed how blood-coloured it was. It was during this scene where the narrator wrapped up the episode and did a kind of "see you next time!" farewell that nostalgic TV shows do at the end of an episode.

Then the credits rolled! The theme song with lyrics played during it and it was all really nice and pleasant. There were some scenes with characters talking and with one of us holding a Frankasaurus doll.

Then there was a post credits scene in the diner with Frank sitting at his table opposite S-chan. He apologised to her, calling her Lady Silvia, over her ordeal of being captured by Frankasaurus.

She was cool with it all and said that she grew to like the people of this planet and decided she'd like to stay on this remote rock for a while! These interactions are very cute :)

The narrator then said I was now able to go exploring at my own leisure, maybe find more stuff, complete unfinished episodes. You know, the usual fun things you get to do on a Saturday!

I kicked my Saturday off with collecting a Mystery Glim. The weekend starts here!

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