Wednesday 2 June 2021

4 attack of the friday monsters! a tokyo tale - meeting frank and obtaining first monster card

Dear Readers,

This Odd Man who approached us while the others explained Monster Cards to me was dressed like a butler or something and asked us why we fell over if the spell wasn't real. Akebi said it was part of the rules. The odd man thought it was a cosmic rule set forth by the planet and Ramen told him it wasn't that big. Akebi wondered if the rule came from Ninjutsu. I was puzzled, though it was a charming little ramble and tangent.

The odd man walked away. I asked who it was and Ramen said his name was Frank, a regular at his dad's restaurant. He said Frank stays for hours, just watching TV and doing other stuff. A Plus said he was researching Earthlings. With this, Episode 3 was now complete and Episode 6: "That's Just Frank" began.

Several glims dropped around us and I got collecting! I completed my meter for Botanical Beast Glim which gave me a Monster Card! This was number 01, called a Pailar. It looked like some kind of plant monster with roots and bug eyes and long curly stalks. It had an entry in the Card section which consisted of a detailed description along with different statistics. The image's drop shadow made it pop out a lot with the 3D effect. You can also listen to the cry it makes when you tap the sound button, which is neat and very Pokémon like! I'm sure this'll all come into play later.

I found another glim of this type, so it looks like you can get more of this card. I also found an Abstract Abnormality glim.

I asked A Plus if he was okay after the rock fell on his feet. He was still upset but seemed to be getting better. He said I needed to have at least 5 cards to win a battle. For now, he cast the spell and I had to fall, which felt embarrassing.

Akebi said she found a 100 yen coin and she was going to take it to the police station. The others said she was too honest and she even took a 5 yen coin there too. She said her self-esteem came from living an honest life. Ramen asked what that was and she said she thinks it meant your inner self gets all warm from the steam of good deeds, which was pretty amusing! This also made Episode 17: "Father Knows Best" start. That's a bit further down the line. She cast the falling down spell on me too and I had to do it again.

I asked Ramen if Monster Cards was fun and he said it was. I talked to him again and he got an idea. He talked about showing me around the city since I was new. They all talked about how the monsters showed up on Friday because there was a TV station here. I learned that Akebi's dad worked for the TV station. Episode 7: "Fuji no Hana Expedition: Go!" started then and Ramen ran off towards the TV station, telling me to keep up with him. The others stayed behind.

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