Tuesday 22 June 2021

24 attack of the friday monsters! a tokyo tale - a real monster shows up?

Dear Readers,

I went back to Monster Hill where everyone was stunned at the appearance of the flying saucer! We watched as it zapped the plane that flew by!

The plane went on fire and flew over Frank's head before it crashed. He yelled at someone, calling them fools as they weren't supposed to actually hit anything.

The scene shifted to what was probably inside the flying saucer, where two crewmates dressed in onesies with an aerial at the top were at panels of lit buttons. They said sorry and their names were "Probably an Alien".

The next thing they did was to form the Frankasaurus. The ship beamed down at something and made this huge thing grow colossal! It had spikes on its back and it was some dinosaur robotic thing. Megami-chan shouted she didn't know what it was! It was grey and purple and full of spikes and seemed to be metallic otherwise.

Some glims fell when the episode was complete and another episode started and finished, them being episodes 21 and 22 about terrible monsters appearing.

I obtained another monster card and this one was called Gidron. It was a huge floating egg-like creature that looked menacing.

So this was a real monster before us? It stumbled left and right and didn't do anything else, but its sheer size was still grabbing everyone's attention.

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