Saturday 5 May 2018

64 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at tabantha bridge stable

Dear Readers,

I left Shae Loya Shrine and hung out at Tabantha Bridge Stable for a while.

Lots of Spicy Peppers here :)

#164 Wildberry

Pikango was here! And he had a hint on where to find the pictured spot I was looking for! Woo! He said these were the "ancient columns" and that I could find them by crossing Tabantha Great Bridge and going on top of the cliff to the south. That kind of lines up with the shrine I spotted and pinned earlier! On the right track :)

A mustached man named Toren was standing by the cooking pot. He deeply wished to go see the Great Fairy in the region beyond Tabantha Bridge. He said the tower's shadow pointed to where she was in the afternoon. Good hint. He was stuck here but gave me the 500 rupees he was going to offer when I obliged to do this on his behalf! Wow! I better honour this! This came up as the subquest "A Gift For The Great Fairy".

A little boy named Kenyo was running around. He talked about a ghost under the bridge that went "BOOM-BAM". Might check that out later.

A little girl named Ena was at the goat feeding trough. She was singing to them to gobble up their food so they could go super fast. At the cargo she talked about expanding inventory space. I guess she was talking about Koroks.

A woman named Banji was here too. She welcomed me to the stable and offered information about directions. To the west across the bridge and far beyond was Rito village. She was a bit freaked out about the big flying thing in the sky. To the east was Ludfo's Bog, which she considered very dangerous because of the perpetual lightning cloud there. I walked around there on the way here :) To the south she talked about a fabled lord that lived on Satori Mountain beyond Tamio River. To the North on the other side of Mount Rhoam she talked about a guy named Konba who loves challenging strangers to a race. I guess that's another minigame for later :)

Chork was inside the stable drinking. He seemed down and out. He told me about Washa's Bluff to the south. It was a platform thingy. He told a Rito about it and he headed there.

It started raining and crashing lightning, so everybody went inside the stable... except for Pikango.

A little girl named Sho was interested in bugs. She told me Thunderwing Butterflies only come out when it rains. Nice tip!

#073 Electric Darner
#069 Thunderwing Butterfly

Thanks to Sho's protip, I went out in the rain to nab these very nice bugs!

When it stopped raining, Ena started singing about horses and told me about a small tunnel west of the castle entrance that leads inside. Handy tip for later :)

Nice fun hanging out here at the stable. Got some nice tips from the NPCs here. Now to cross the Tabantha Great Bridge!

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